Expected Turnaround Times

Our turnaround times are calculated based on the total word-count of your order. The following table provides the expected turnaround times in business days.

Quality writing takes time. We assign a professional writer to research and write the first draft, an editor to review, and a project manager to deliver your order.

If you need your content delivered sooner, please contact us before placing your order and we’ll let you know if we can meet your deadline.

Please know, we cannot start writing until you have completed our research questionnaire first. To learn more, check out our how we work page here.

Word Count Business Days
300 3 days
500 5 days
1,000 5 days
1,500 6 days
2,000 7 days
2,500 8 days
3,000 9 days
3,500 10 days
4,000 11 days
4,500 12 days
5,000 13 days
5,500 14 days
6,000 15 days
6,500 16 days
7,000 17 days
7,500 18 days
8,000 19 days
9,000 20 days
10,000 21 days