15 Awesome Blog Writing Tips That Top Bloggers Use To Create Quality Content

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So, you want to write an awesome blog post? Great! You’re about to discover 15 blog writing tips that professional bloggers use to create quality content every time. 

Frequently posting new blog posts on your website will signal Google your content is current, prompting the algorithm to index your website more frequently. It will also help you provide value to your audience, drive more traffic to your website, and increase users’ time- on-page. 

And these are all factors contributing to better search engine rankings.

What’s more, companies that prioritise blogging are thirteen times more likely to see a positive ROI than companies that don’t!

However, blogging requires a bit more than simply picking a topic, reading other blogs, rehashing what you’ve read, hitting the publish button, and repeating. Great blogs take time to craft and provide original content your audience won’t find anywhere else.  

So, if you want to grow your audience and increase your sales, you’ll need a solid content strategy and high-quality blog posts.

And to help you succeed, I’m sharing 15 blog writing tips based on years of experience in the copywriting field.


Create An “Idea File’’

Excellent ideas can come to us at the most random times. You could feel inspired in the shower, on the way to the supermarket, or while having a glass of wine with friends (especially while having a glass of wine!).

An idea file is a tool you can use to capture and organise your ideas. If you’re serious about blogging to increase your traffic and sales, you need to make sure you collect all of your ideas and store them in the same place. That way, you’ll never miss out on a great blog post because you don’t know where you wrote down that excellent idea you had a few days ago.

So, create a dedicated file on your laptop, use a note-taking app on your phone or carry a simple notebook with you to ensure you capture the liquid gold when your creative juices get flowing.

Develop A Solid Content Strategy

A content strategy should include two things; weekly or monthly topics and a clear blog posting schedule.

Weekly Or Monthly Topics

Working on a few titles in advance will allow you to allocate some time during your week or month to research your audience’s pain points and answer their questions. Rather than quickly choosing topics you’re comfortable with or think might be of interest to your target market, put in the work and effort in connecting with your audience and researching what they need. 

With the precious data collected, create a few blog titles for the coming weeks. And when doing so, make sure to use a silo structure to boost your SEO.

Believe me, this hard work will tremendously pay off down the road.

Schedule Your Posts

Once you’ve selected a few topics for the week or month, make sure to schedule the blogs using an app or an Excel document. This will make you accountable and allow you to be consistent. 

Note that if you feel overwhelmed and can’t stay on schedule, you can use blog writing services. Investing in blog writing services will help you post fresh content regularly and create consistency for your audience.

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Develop A Solid Content Strategy

Do Your Keyword Research In Bulk

What I mean by ‘’do your keyword research in bulk’’ is don’t research your topics and then do keyword research. 

Work the other way around. 

Use highly efficient keyword research tools such as Semrush, Ubersuggest, or Google Keywords Everywhere to find relevant topics for your audience. 


Type a general keyword relevant to your niche. Then, narrow down the results by looking at search volumes and the level of competition. This will allow you to develop a few topics while providing relevant keywords right off the bat.

Get Inspiration From Other Content Creators

Famous artists often mention the influence other artists have had on their work. For instance, Picasso was very open about the importance both Paul Cezanne and Henri Mattise have had on him as an artist.

That’s because when it comes to creating, may it be written content or art, drawing inspiration from others is critical. It serves as a stepping stone to jump-start the creative process.

Be careful, though; I’m not suggesting you should copy and paste or reword content you’ve read somewhere else. 

Instead, use different content pieces from blogs, and videos to infographics and social media posts, to ignite the spark that will light your creative fire and develop an improved version of the content available.

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Get Inspiration From Other Content Creators

Write Without Judgement and Edit Later

Ever heard the quote“write drunk, edit sober”?

Even though it might sound like one of the strangest blog writing hacks, the idea behind this adage can be quite beneficial. I’m not suggesting you should get drunk every time you want to write a blog post. However, what you can take away from this quote is that you should try to relax, write your first draft without judgment when you feel in a creative mood, and get back to it later for some editing and polishing. 

Company owners tend to overthink their first draft, overanalyze every detail and start from scratch repeatedly. This, in turn, can be frustrating and lead them to give up blogging as a whole.

As professional copywriters, we get it. 

You want your blog post to be perfect, so you’re trying to incorporate writing tips you’ve read about while keeping your content flowing and engaging.

But if you find writing compelling blog posts that convert too difficult, don’t hesitate to use professional blog writing services. Experienced copywriters will produce high-quality content for you while allowing you to focus on the rest of your business.

Keep Your Audience In Mind

This is one of the most important blog writing hacks.

When selecting a topic in a niche you love or writing a blog post on a topic you’re passionate about, it’s easy to forget about your audience. But if you’re not careful, you might end up writing for yourself. And that’s not conducive to increasing your blog traffic, leads, or sales.

So, make sure to follow the process below when selecting your topics. It involves both relevancy and SEO optimisation:

  • Identify who your ideal customer is

  • Research their pain points and concerns

  • Do a relevant keyword search 

  • Create content to answer their concerns or solve their pain points

  • Optimise your post based on the relevant keywords you’ve identified

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Keep Your Audience In Mind

Create a Framework For Your Blogs

Your content needs to be recognisable. After all, that’s why branding is so important these days.

Every single one of your blog posts should follow your brand cues so that your audience recognises your stamp in every piece of content you publish. But branding is not the only consistent element of a post. You’ll also need to follow a specific blog framework to ensure high quality for each blog. Besides, having a framework that you can apply to each blog will help create your posts much quicker.

Here are some best practices for creating a successful framework for your blogs:

  • Select a powerful headline to act as a hook (make sure it’s SEO-optimised).

  • Choose your angle.

  • Research the topic and conduct a competitor analysis. 

  • Write down the main ideas of your post. These will be your subheadings.

  • Optimise the subheadings for SEO.

  • List bullet points developing each idea.

  • Write your intro and closing argument.

  • Create a meta description for each post.

Using a framework is critical when writing blogs as consistency will help make your brand appear trustworthy. So, if you don’t have the time to craft your posts following a specific framework, I’d recommend you invest in professional blog writing services.

Start With The Easiest Sections

Writer’s block much?

There's something daunting about opening up a laptop to a blank page and having to fill it in with compelling words that will engagingly educate your audience. Not to mention the pressure of having to turn readers into buyers and even loyal customers. 

So, one of the best blog writing tips I can share on the subject is to start writing the easiest sections first. It will get you going, put you in the right mindset and help unlock your ideas, and unleash your creativity.

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Start With The Easiest Sections

Adapt Your Writing Style To An Online Audience

Gone are the days where people used to read long pieces of content. These days, online readers and consumers want digestible content that clearly highlights the information they’re after. 

So, forget long-winded paragraphs, passive voice, and sophisticated words and use the blog writing hacks below:

  • Organise your ideas with subheadings
  • Write short paragraphs
  • Use bullet points or lists
  • Write in an active voice
  • Use a hook in your intro
  • Write easy-to-understand words

Follow the AIDA Model To Increase Conversions

AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. It refers to the process an individual buyer goes through during their buying journey.

Using the AIDA model in your blog copy can significantly help increase your conversion rate.

Here’s how it works:

Grab Your Readers’ Attention

Use a hook such as a question, a surprising fact, a striking image, or a fun quote to entice your audience to continue reading.

Keep Your Audience Interested

Now that you have their attention, highlight the benefits of your products or services in an engaging way. At this stage, your target market should want to research your offer further.

Create Desire

If you’ve identified your target audience’s pain points and are addressing them properly, they will want to own your product or access your service as it will help solve their problems.

Call To Action

Now that they’re ready to buy, guide them through the buying process and make it easy for them to check out.

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Follow the AIDA Model To Increase Conversions

Encourage Your Audience To Engage With Your Post

One of the most efficient blog writing tips I like to share is to ask open-ended questions at the end of your blog post. This will encourage readers to comment and interact with you and provide you with social proof. Search engines tend to favor blog posts with a lot of engagement, so also make sure to answer all of the comments as it makes you approachable and shows that you value your audience’s input.

Search engines tend to favor blog posts with a lot of engagement, so don’t skip on that one.

Leverage Influencers’ Reach

What if I told you that 60% of millennials are more likely to follow recommendations from YouTube influencers than traditional media personalities?

A quality influencer can help significantly increase your brand awareness and improve your bottom line. That’s because their high quality and value-added content cater to a loyal base of followers that trust their advice.

Not only will working with influencers help you create fresh, compelling, and relevant content, but you’ll also benefit from their high-quality network.

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Leverage Influencers’ Reach

Combine Text and Striking Visuals

Your goal is to drive traffic to your blog and website and convert readers into buyers. And what better way to do that than combining the power of words, imagery, and videos?

We are naturally drawn to images and videos, so posts featuring stunning imagery or compelling videos have a much higher engagement and conversion rate than text-only posts. That’s because our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. So, ensure your blogs contain a mix of text, images and videos. This will provide your readers with an improved user experience and increase your conversion rate.

Finish With Your Introduction and Conclusion


Many professional copywriters agree; the introduction can be the most challenging part of writing a blog post.

Now, leaving your intro to last can seem counterintuitive, but once you’ve spent time researching and writing about a specific topic, your introduction will come to you much more naturally. You’ll know the whole story and will be able to craft a compelling paragraph that will set the scene for the rest of the post and entice your readers to keep reading. 

Plus, it’ll help you avoid writer’s block!


Conclusions are often neglected and sometimes even nonexistent. Yet, a conclusion gives you one last chance to move your audience to action. Crafting your conclusion at the end of the blog writing process will help you sum up the main points of your post and strategically add a call to action.

Proofread Your Blog Post Later

If you've spent many hours writing about a topic, chances are you won’t be able to spot mistakes and inconsistencies in the flow of your blog anymore. 

The best thing to do is either ask someone else to proofread your blog before publishing it or step away for a few hours and get back to it with fresh eyes. 

Even better, I’d recommend doing both!

Properly proofreading your post is essential as any syntax or grammatical error will instantly reduce your credibility, and could deter potential customers from purchasing from you.

When to Outsource Blog Writing?

  • Do you have difficulty driving traffic to your blogs?
  • Do you find writing engaging content challenging?
  • Are you struggling to turn your readers into customers?
  • Do you lack time to publish blog posts consistently?
  • Do you find yourself juggling a million tasks at a time?
  • Do you lack inspiration when it comes to finding trending and relevant blog titles?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then outsourcing your blog writing needs might be a great idea.

At CopywritingCrew, we specialise in creating high-quality, relevant and consistent blog content that converts so you don’t have to. We know how little time business owners have and we believe that using professional blog writing services will ultimately drive your ROI. 

Our team of highly skilled and experienced professional copywriters is adept at producing SEO-optimised blog posts based on trending and relevant topics. Each one of them specialises in a niche. Therefore, they know precisely how to craft copy that sells in that specific industry.

So, if you’re ready to jump-start your sales and reallocate your time more efficiently, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Jesse, our founder. You can also place your order directly on our copywriting services page.

Get 50% Off Your First SEO Blog Post

Frequently Asked Questions About Blog Writing Services

Question: What to avoid when writing a blog?

Answer: Whether you’re new to blog writing or just want to step up your game, here are five things to avoid when writing a blog post:

  • Writing long-winded paragraphs and using passive voice
  • Forgetting you’re writing for your audience
  • Not encouraging your audience to engage
  • Starting with the intro
  • Proofreading just after writing

Question: How do you write blog content quickly?

Answer: Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula to write engaging and highly converting blog posts quickly. It comes with practice and experience. So, if you find batch writing SEO-optimised blogs challenging, you might want to use blog writing services. This will help you increase your traffic, engagement and sales.

Question: What can I write in my blog?

Answer: Before crafting your blog post, you need to spend some time researching trending and relevant topics. You need to ensure your blog content answers your target market’s needs, questions, concerns and solves their pain points. If you don’t know where to start, make sure to speak to a few blog writing companies and select one that can provide you with topic ideas.

Further Reading

We’re passionate about copywriting and we love helping our clients achieve their blogging goals. That’s why we’ve put together a blog section featuring many other blog writing tips. 

So, if you’re after other blog writing hacks, don’t hesitate to check out the posts below:

Why Invest in Professional Copywriting Services?

SEO Copywriting: The Complete Guide For Writing Content

Content or Design; What Comes First?

And here are some external resources that might also help you improve your blog writing skills:

How To Develop A Content Strategy: Start-To-Finish Guide

How To Develop A Brand Voice