The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

You know you have a fantastic product or service. 

You know your offering solves your customers’ pain points. 

And you know your website is user-friendly and provides all the information your potential customers need. 

But, what you don’t know is how to convince the rest of the world!

Well, the answer is that you need a sales page.

A well-optimised sales page will help convey the benefits of your products or services efficiently and convince your target audience to buy from you.

What is a sales page, and how can you make sure it turns your visitors into loyal customers, you ask?

In this blog post, I’ll explain what a sales page is and why you should have one. And I’ll also share some best practices to craft a sales page that converts.

What Is A Sales Page?

As the name suggests, a sales page is a web page designed for the sole purpose of selling a specific product or service. This standalone page is the key to converting your target audience into loyal customers. A sales page should feature a few key elements, including:

  • Clear value proposition that instantly shows your target audience how your product or service can help them
  • An easy way to learn more about your offering
  • A strong call to action

The question is, do you really need a sales page?


Here are two major benefits of creating a sales page for your business:

Improving Your SEO 

Creating a dedicated sales page for each product or service you offer will allow you to boost your Google rankings. When your website features a sales page for each one of your products, it allows search engines to index and rank each page separately. What’s more, having a dedicated page allows you to fully optimise it best. For instance, you’ll be able to use relevant keywords strategically and customise the URL. And this, in turn, will help rank your page higher when a customer searches for these specific keywords. 

The higher you rank on search engines, the more organic traffic and conversions you’ll get.

Note that if you’re struggling to craft an SEO-optimised sales page, hiring a professional SEO copywriter might be the solution. Here are 5 top reasons why you should use SEO content writing services.

Enhancing The User Experience

Imagine you’re looking for a specific product. You land on a website you’ve never visited before after typing your keywords in the Google search bar. You quickly get overwhelmed by the number of products on offer, can’t find the information you’re after, and decide to exit. How frustrating! 

Since the average attention span is 8 seconds these days, you need to make sure to immediately provide your visitors with the information they need. They should know the benefits of your product, how it can help them and how to buy within a few seconds. 

Creating a dedicated sales page will allow you to do just that, enhancing the user experience for your potential customers and increasing your conversions.

The Ultimate Sales Page Template

Over the years, I’ve helped countless clients create high-converting sales pages. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you should always implement the tips I’m about to share with you. They’ll help turn your visitors and readers into paying customers in no time.

Here’s an infographic showing you exactly the elements your sales page should include. Each of these components is important and I’ve gone into detail into each one below. 

The 10-Point Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page

The 10-Point Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page

1. Your Page Headlines Should Match Your Ad Copy

If you’re running an ad on Facebook or Google and sending the viewers directly to your sales page, you need to ensure your page headlines match your ad copy. Indeed, delivering what you promise is critical if you want your visitors to stick around and buy from you. 

While it might sound obvious, some companies fail to be consistent. 

For instance, Coursera, a popular online course provider, mentioned social media courses in their ad headline as per the example above. However, when potential customers clicked on the link, they were taken to a page where the headline was about digital marketing specialisation. This tends to create a disconnect and confuse the target audience. 

Since website visitors spend an average of 10 seconds on a website, this mistake could cost you a lot in sales and credibility, turning your marketing efforts into dust. Your sales page headline is the first thing your target audience will read. It needs to be clear, concise, and act as a teaser, compelling your website visitors to learn more about your offering.

Here are some tips on how to write high-converting headlines:

  • Clarity! It can be read and understood in about 5 seconds.
  • Avoid hype (like ‘amazing miracle product’). 
  • It states the benefits the visitor can expect.
  • Promise to solve a pressing problem the visitor is facing
  • No confusing jargon (like ‘value-added interactions’) is used unless it’s technical details the target audience would understand.

Facebook ad copywriting example

Facebook ad copywriting example

2. Sub-headline and Value Proposition 

The purpose of the sub-headline is to further explain the headline and to motivate the visitors to continue reading the page. 

But most importantly, the sub-headline should also include the value proposition. In a nutshell, a value proposition is a clear statement that:

  • explains how your product solves customers’ problems 
  • delivers specific benefits 
  • tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition

3. Include an Eye-catching Hero Image Or Video

Using relevant, high-quality imagery on your sales page will help grab your visitors’ attention and break up the text, making your offer more appealing. But it will also help them better understand what your product or service is all about and how it works. 

Besides, adding a video to a product page can boost your conversions by up to 80%! That’s because videos are an easy and entertaining way for consumers to learn more about your brand and your product or service. In fact, 74% of consumers report buying a product after watching an explainer video. 

So, include relevant and engaging videos such as customer testimonials or explainer videos on your sales page to boost your conversion rates.

4. Use Trust Signals In Your Sales Page Copy

First-time visitors don’t know anything about you, your brand, or your offering. And trust is one of the most important factors of any relationship, including between a brand and its customers. In fact, 81% of people need to trust a brand to purchase something from it.

That’s why building trust on your sales page is so important. 

Some of the best ways to build trust with your potential customers include:

  • Using customer testimonials
  • Client logos
  • Including customer reviews (67% of people are influenced by online customer reviews)  
  • Sharing experts, or influencers’ endorsements
  • Adding certifications and guarantee seals

5. Write Compelling Calls To Action

Calls to action are crucial to any successful sales page. They make it clear to potential customers what to do next and help move them to action. Some examples of traditional calls to action include ‘’buy now’’, ‘’try now’’, or ‘’subscribe now’’. 

Here are some best practices to write calls to action that convert:

  • Use strong command verbs such as ‘’buy’’, ‘’shop’’, or ‘’order.’’
  • Add power words to trigger emotions. For instance, ‘’Book your dream vacation today!’’
  • Create FOMO (fear of missing out). For example, ‘’Shop now. Sales end on Friday.’’
  • Use numbers if you can. For instance, ‘’Shop now and get 15% off your first order.’’
  • Be creative and run A/B testing to see what works best with your audience.

6. Describe The Benefits Of Your Product Or Service

Your sales page aims to sell your product or services to your visitors. Therefore, it should always feature the main benefits of what you are selling.

Now, the idea in this section isn’t to list all of the benefits of your offering using bullet points. Instead, strive to highlight the ones that will resonate the most with your prospective customers and explain why they should invest in your solution and what will happen if they do. 

This is your opportunity to show them how your offering is designed to solve their specific problem, and answer their specific needs. 

As a bonus tip, when writing this section, I’d recommend that you focus on the ‘’why’’ instead of the ‘’what’’. What I mean by that is that instead of explaining what your product can do, tell them why you created it the way you did. Always, talk about the value of your offer and let your passion for your products shine.

If you manage to convey the value of your offer and do it in a way that comes across as authentic, you’ll set yourself up for success.  

7. List Important Features

Perhaps your product is eco-friendly. Or perhaps your software allows for team collaboration and automatically generates monthly reports. Regardless of what your offering is, make sure to highlight the key features in your sales page in a clear and concise way. 

Just like with the ‘’main benefits’’ section, talk about the features you know will resonate with your target audience. This way, they’ll be able to quickly understand the capabilities of your product or service and how helpful it can be to them.

8. FAQ

This part is often overlooked, yet a FAQ can be a powerful tool if done right!

Why? Because a thorough and well-thought-out FAQ helps address any concerns your web visitors might have about your offering. 

After all, unlike in a brick-and-mortar store, there's no one around to answer their questions. And even if you have a chat function, you might not be online or they might be looking for a quick answer. A FAQ will help you win over customers that are on the fence. 

When crafting your FAQ, the goal is to make your potential customers feel more comfortable about purchasing from you. So, the more relevant questions you answer, the more they’ll trust they’re making the right decision when hitting the ‘’buy’ button.

9. Meticulously Check For Grammar and Spelling Mistakes

While not being an element of a sales page per say, this is equally important.

If you’re trying to connect with your target audience, you need to build trust. And what better way to break trust and ruin your marketing efforts than leaving spelling and grammar mistakes in your copy? Typos and bad grammar will diminish your credibility and most likely deter your ideal customer from purchasing from you. So, make sure to double and even triple-check your copy before hitting the publish button.

Note that hiring a talented copywriter will help you ensure that your sales page copy is flawless and optimised for high conversions. And if you want to know how else a professional copywriter can improve your copy, read our blog post on 5 things you should look for when hiring a copywriter.

Compelling Sales Page Examples

I’ve included below two sales page examples from CopywritingCrew’s portfolio.

Sales Page 1

Sales Page 1

Here’s why this sales page converts well.

The headlines act as a hook. And they’re all compelling! If you’re a property investor, and read this, you’ll likely wonder whether you could make more money with your investments. Besides, the section just above the call to action clearly explains the value invested can bring to investors picking up on errors and opportunities so that they can reach their goals. 

What’s more, the hero image is on point and the call to action is appealing as it encourages web visitors to get in touch for a free discussion about their portfolio.

If you click on the link below the image, you’ll see that the page clearly lists the benefits of binvested’ services. And it also features a video testimonial and a ‘’view our results’’ option to build trust with the company’s target audience.

Sales Page 2

Sales Page 2

In this example, the headline speaks directly to coaches who want to improve their productivity. The use of ‘’10x’’ works well at grabbing web visitors’ attention. 

The value proposition is clearly stated under the headline, allowing time-poor entrepreneurs to delegate time-consuming technical tasks to a team of experts.

If you click on the link below the image, you’ll also see that the copy successfully communicates how Automation Agency’s solution can solve coaches and speakers’ pain points, making their life easier. 

There are three calls to action scattered across the copy which makes it easy for visitors to take action. What’s more, the last call to action offers a free demo and a ‘’30-day money back guarantee’’. This helps build trust and coax potential customers off the fence.

Need Help To Write A Sales Page That Converts?

Crafting a sales page that converts requires time, experience, and expertise. Sure, the tips I provided in this blog post can get you started. Yet, as mentioned before, you have seconds to convince your potential customers they need your product and should click the ‘’buy now’’ button on your sales page. So, your ad copy needs to be on point, engage readers, and immediately resonate with your target audience. And if you’re not an expert, nailing your sales page can turn out to be a lengthy and costly trial and error process.

That’s when hiring a professional copywriter for your sales page copy can help. Indeed, experienced copywriters will leverage their years of experience and unique skillset to create powerful sales copy that will significantly boost your conversions and sales. It’ll take the guesswork out of the equation, ensure you get high-converting copy and allow you to focus on running your business. 

At CopywritingCrew, we’re passionate about copywriting. That’s why we only select the highest skilled candidates. And when we assign a copywriter to your sales page copy, we always make sure they have industry experience. This way, we know they’ll be able to help you achieve your conversion goals.

So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy copywriter to help you, order your sales copy now or get in touch with Jesse, our founder.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Pages

Question: What Is a sales page (and why should you have one)?

Answer: A sales page is a web page dedicated to selling a specific product or service. It is specifically created to convert visitors into paying customers. That’s why sales pages are a no-brainer for businesses looking to improve their traffic and conversions. 

Some of the main benefits of a sales page include:

  • Helping your ideal customer quickly learn more about your product or service
  • Enhancing your SEO
  • Improving the user experience

Question: How do you structure a sales page?

The sales page template I recommend using includes:

  • Clear, concise, and attention-grabbing headline to pull the visitors in
  • Quick overview expanding on the benefits of your product or service
  • Explanatory subheadings
  • Short paragraphs using bullet points to make the content digestible
  • Relevant and compelling images or videos
  • Trust signals to build a bond with your prospective customers 
  • Strong calls to action to move your visitors to action

Question: How do you optimise a sales page?

To optimise your sales page and increase your conversion rates, follow the steps below:

  • Make sure your ad’s headline matches your sales page headline
  • Use attention-grabbing headlines
  • State the value proposition in the headline and expand on it in the sales page copy
  • Use strong call to action buttons
  • Utilize high-quality images and engaging videos
  • Ensure the copy is impeccable, grammatically sound, and typo-free

Further Reading

To help you skyrocket your sales and achieve your marketing goals, I regularly share tips and tricks about copywriting. 

Here are some of the latest blog posts I’ve published on the subject: