13 Website Homepage Content Ideas And Examples [Infographic]

13 Website Homepage Content Ideas And Examples

13 Website Homepage Content Ideas And Examples

What is a website homepage?

A homepage (or home page) is the main web page that appears when someone visits your website. Think of it as the lobby of your website. It should be clean, easy to navigate, and welcoming to your prospective customers.

The homepage of a website is the first thing that a visitor sees when they visit it. It is also the first opportunity for you to make a great first impression.

Why create content for your website homepage?

Your homepage content needs to clearly communicate who you are, who you help, and how you help them. You need to be able to capture your visitors’ attention within 5 seconds, otherwise they may leave and never come back. 

Your content is more important than the homepage design because visitors don't come to your website for how it looks. They come to find out if you can solve their problems and help them achieve the results they are searching the web for.

Only content can communicate your message, educate your visitors, and persuade them to purchase your products and services over your competition. Web design can’t do that.

Here are some of the most important reasons to create content for your homepage:

  • Homepage content encourages visitors to stay on your site longer.
  • It helps surface relevant information about your business, products, and services.
  • The homepage can be used as an opportunity to tell the story behind your business or brand.
  • It provides an overview of what you offer.

What should you put on your website homepage?

At Copywriting Crew, our team of professional Native English writers have written high-quality content for hundreds of websites in over 153 different industries. 

In that time, we’ve discovered there are 13 best practices you should follow when creating your homepage content.

13 Point Anatomy of A High-Converting Website Homepage

13 Point Anatomy of A High-Converting Website Homepage

1. Navigation

Navigation is a key part of a website. It helps the visitor find their way around and provides a sense of order and direction. The navigation should be clear, easy to use, consistent and benefit the user experience.

More over, the navigation should also be intuitive. A visitor should not have to think about how to get from one page to another or where they are in the site hierarchy. They should be able to easily find what they are looking for without any confusion.

Here are our website navigation best practices…

  1. Make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  2. Include links to your money pages (products, services, etc.).
  3. Menu item text should be short and descriptive. 
  4. Limit the number of menu items in the top navigation to 7 or less.
  5. Position your navigation menu at the top of your website (not below).
  6. Be sure to include your logo and link it to your website homepage.
  7. It’s important to include links to your Contact and About pages.

Here is the menu navigation bar from our own Copywriting Crew website.

Navigation bar of CC

Navigation bar of CC

2. Headline

Your homepage headline is the first thing visitors are going to read. If it’s weak or confusing, people won’t stick around to read the rest of your web page. According to Moz.com “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest”.

In addition, your headline should be written to get the attention and interest of your ideal clients (not everyone). It should be specific, clear and easy to understand within 5 seconds.

Here are 3 headline writing formulas for homepage headlines.

  • What the website is about and who it’s for
  • What you do and who you help
  • The benefits the visitor can expect

Headline Example: ‘what it is’ and ‘who it’s for’

Website: www.CampaignMonitor.com

Campaign Monitor Headline

Campaign Monitor Headline

Headline Example: ‘what it is’ and ‘who it’s for’

FreshBooks Headline

FreshBooks Headline

Headline Example: ‘what you can do with it’

Website: www.CopywritingCrew.com.au (hey, that’s our website!)
Copywriting Crew Headline

Copywriting Crew Headline

3. Sub-headline and value proposition

The sub-headline is the short paragraph directly underneath the headline.

Therefore, the goal is to further explain the headline and also to state the value proposition.

Neil Patel  Sub-headline and value proposition

Neil Patel Sub-headline 

What is a value proposition? Here’s how famous digital marketer Neil Patel answers that question.

So how do you come up with a value proposition? The best way is to directly answer the question “Why should I choose you over the competition?”

Therefore, your answers should be unique and something that your competitors can’t claim. You can make your value proposition more compelling by including numbers.

Here are a couple of value proposition examples.

Website: www.webmerge.com

Webmerge Value Proposition

Webmerge Value Proposition

Trello Value Proposition

Trello Value Proposition

4. Hero Image

Your hero image is the first image people see when they visit your website homepage. It should be eye-catching and make a great first impression. 

Moreover, your hero image should visually represent what your website is about. If your website is about something negative like lung cancer, then you wouldn’t use an image of a smiling person (an image of someone in hospital would be more suitable).

Avoid stock images where possible. The problem with using stock images is that they are everywhere and don’t seem genuine or unique. Try to use photos of real people (your satisfied staff, actual clients, etc) instead of inauthentic stock photos.

Celestine Chua Hero Image

Celestine Chua Hero Image

Square Hero Image

Square Hero Image

Snack Nation Hero Image

Snack Nation Hero Image

5. Call to action button

A call to action (CTA) button prompts visitors to take the primary action you want them to take. You position the CTA buttons below your headline and sub-headline in the above-the-fold area of your homepage. 

I recommend having a maximum of two call to action buttons. You can always add more buttons and links further down the page. 

When deciding on what call to action button(s) to include, ask yourself:“What’s the single most important action I want visitors to take on my homepage?” 

Our clients will often reply by saying “I want them to purchase our products” or “I want people to enquire about our services”. 

Once you’ve decided on the one or two actions you most want people to take, the next step is to write your call to action button copy. Here are a few best practices you can follow when creating yours.

  • Write no more than 5 words.

  • Use verbs like ‘get’ or ‘shop’.

  • Inspire action with words like ‘now’ or ‘today’.

Call To Action

Call To Action

For websites that sell services…

  • Request Free Quote
  • Get In Touch Now
  • Order Content Today

For websites that sell products…

  • Shop Superfoods
  • View Products
  • More…

6. What problem do you solve?

People are searching for solutions to their problems online.

And one of the most powerful copywriting techniques is to show your target audience that you understand their problems on a deep level. When you bring up their problems, you create an immediate rapport with your readers. You also pique their curiosity — “how does he/she know this about me?”

The simple way of doing this is by asking a series of problem-related questions (or statements) that you know the target audience will answer “yes” to. And by reminding them of their problems, you put them in a “I have problems and I need a solution” state of mind, which is perfect timing for the next step: introducing the solution. Here’s two examples of the problem-solution framework in action…

Businessblueprint.com example

Businessblueprint.com example

CopywritingCrew.com example

CopywritingCrew.com example

7. Products and Services

Most websites have separate pages dedicated to each of the products and services they offer. Your homepage can have a section where you provide a short description about each product or service and a link for visitors to click on that will take them to another page where they can read more about it.

Here are our best practices for writing the products/services section:

  • Write a heading that captures the visitor's attention.

  • Write a subheading that mentions the main benefits of the products/services.

  • And write a short benefit-focused description about each product/service.

Examples of products/services section:


8. Why Choose Us?

Reports show that online shoppers typically compare three different companies at the same time before making a buying decision. 

That’s why it’s important to answer the question “why should I choose you and not your competitors?” Here are a few best practices for writing this section.

Try to list between 4 and 6 unique reasons (meaning, your competitors can’t make the same claims) and write a simple headline and short paragraph for each reason.

Moreover, be specific by including numbers (“Our depreciation reports are the most accurate” is not as specific as “Our depreciation reports are 99.99% accurate”).

Here are some examples…

CopywritingCrew.com example

CopywritingCrew.com example

Snappr.com example

Snappr.com example

9. Lead Magnet

Most first-time website visitors are not ready to buy right away. 98% of your website visitors are leaving without engaging at all (according to Meetedgar.com).

A ‘lead magnet’ is a valuable piece of content (like a video, report, spreadsheet, webinar, etc.) or even a ‘discovery call’ or ‘strategy session’ that helps your ideal customers achieve a result or solve a specific problem. 

In addition, you offer your visitors the lead magnet for free in exchange for their contact information (first name and email address) so you can keep in touch and build a relationship until they are ready to buy from you.

Popular types of lead magnets:

  • Ebook 

  • Mini guide

  • Checklist

  • Template

  • Webinar 

  • Free consultation

  • Video

  • Free assessment

  • Free quote

Your lead magnet doesn’t need to be a comprehensive 100-page ebook or guide. It’s not also a blog post. Who has time to read those anyway? 

It could be a 1-page checklist, template or script. Or a 5-page how-to guide that reveals a few essential steps or tips.

Moreover, your lead magnet title should be clear and specific, not vague and unclear. It should mention either the problem you help them to solve or the result you help them achieve.

Here are a few lead magnet examples to inspire you.

KKwrites.com Lead Magnet

KKwrites.com Lead Magnet

Example 2:

SeanDalt.com Lead Magnet

SeanDalt.com Lead Magnet

10. About Us

The About Us section of your homepage is your opportunity to briefly introduce yourself, your business and your team to potential customers. You can provide a link to your about page where people can find out more information.

In addition, the purpose is to allow visitors who are scanning the homepage to have this impression: “Oh, this is a real business with real people working there”. 

Here are our best practices for writing the About Us section:

  • Tell your business founder’s story.

  • Even though you’re writing about the company, remember to always relate it back to the visitor and how what the company does benefits them.

  • Include professional and smiling photos of you and team members.

11. Social Proof 

The ‘Social Proof’ section of your homepage is where you provide credible third-party sources that show visitors that you are trustworthy and credible.

Social proof in the online marketing context is evidence that other people have purchased and found value in a product or service offered by a business (source, optimizley.com). 

People are more likely to believe others who say we are trustworthy than when we say it ourselves. 

There are many different types of social proof elements you can include on your website homepage, such as.

  • Testimonials

  • Awards

  • Certifications

  • Client logos

One of the most effective types of social proof is customer testimonials (written or video). However, not all testimonials are created equal. We want to avoid using boring, long-winded or vague testimonials. The BEST testimonials typically include:

  • Specific result or benefits the person achieved or received

  • The person’s full name, photo (if provided) and specifics about who they are (occupation, location, job title, website address, etc.)

  • Get to the point (not long-winded or rambling)

Here are some examples of homepage testimonials:

Testimonial Example

Testimonial Example

12. Resources

The ‘Resources’ section of your homepage is an opportunity to showcase valuable content that positions you as an expert in your field, answers common questions, and educates people about the benefits of your products and services. 

You might hand-pick a selection of your top three blog posts. Or an informative white paper report. Or perhaps an insightful webinar recording or video interview.

Thedoersway.com example

Thedoersway.com example

lightningsites.com example

lightningsites.com example

13. Final CTA

The ‘Final CTA’ section is located at the bottom of your homepage and its purpose is to remind visitors about the call to action(s) you want them to take.

Did you know that the second-most-viewed part of any web page is the very bottom (the top being the first)? The reason is that visitors will scan and scroll down a web page until they reach the bottom and can’t scroll any further. 

Therefore, the bottom of the page is a great place to repeat the goal of your page, the CTA (Call To Action), and to remind the visitor of the main benefits your business is offering. 

Here are our best practices for writing the Final CTA section

  • Write an attention-getting heading (e.g., Ready To…?).

  • Write a subheading that explains the benefits of taking the next steps.

  • And write a CTA button that matches the one below the headline at the top of the page.

Here are some examples of great Final CTA section copy:

LaunchAccounting.com example

LaunchAccounting.com example

CTA Example 2

CTA Example 2

Need Help Writing Your Homepage Content?

If you’re like many business owners, entrepreneurs and digital agency owners, you just don't have time to sit down and write website content for your business.

But don't worry, we can help! 

At Copywriting Crew, we have already helped hundreds of business owners in 153 different industries create unique and high-quality content for their websites. 

So whether you're looking to launch a brand new website or update an existing website, we would love to help you save time and money by writing all of the content for your business and marketing campaigns. Simply order your custom content by clicking here and our team of professional Native English writers will get started right away.
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Frequently asked questions

Can you share some of the best website homepage examples?

Absolutely! You can check out our website copywriting portfolio, where we have many homepage examples that will give you content ideas and may even inspire your own homepage design! 

Can you give me some website homepage content ideas?

Here are the top x elements we recommend you include on your website homepage.

What should you put on a website homepage?

Can you give me some website homepage content ideas?

Here are the top 13 elements we recommend you include on your website homepage.

  • Navigation

  • Headline

  • Sub-headline and value proposition

  • Hero Image

  • Call to action button

  • What problem do you solve?

  • Lead Magnet

  • About Us

  • Social Proof 

  • Resources

  • Final CTA

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11 Top Social Media Marketing Tactics To Increase Sales In 2022

11 Top Social Media Marketing Tactics To Increase Sales In 2022

11 Top Social Media Marketing Tactics To Increase Sales In 2022

4.48 billion people use social media worldwide.

Users spend on average 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on social media.

Yes, these are staggering numbers!

That’s why, as a business owner, you need to capitalise on social media platforms to promote your offering.

But with the plethora of social media marketing tips available online, understanding the best social media marketing tactics for your business can be challenging.  

Lucky for you, I have years of experience helping clients increase their sales through their social media channels. This means that I know the best social media marketing tactics to get you results.

So, I’ve put together this guide to help you fine-tune your social media marketing strategy and reach your sales goals in 2022.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of marketing that allows you to advertise your content to a highly targeted audience through social media platforms. 

Some of the most popular social media platforms for businesses include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.

Why Use Social Media Marketing?

As mentioned before, over 4 billion people use social media. This means that your potential customers likely hang out on these platforms.

Now, the great thing about social media platforms is that they all offer paid advertising options for business owners to reach their ideal customers, promote their products or services and boost their sales immediately.

But social media marketing doesn’t simply enable you to leverage social media platforms in order to promote your content and offering. In fact, it can be much more than a simple advertising tool. 

Here are some of the other benefits of social media marketing for brands and companies:

  • Capturing valuable insights into your target audience’s needs to design the perfect offer and content.

  • Building your brand awareness.

  • Collecting feedback and identifying areas of improvement.

  • Fine-tuning your social media strategy based on your audience’s feedback.

  • Engaging with your customers and building a community.

  • Driving traffic to your website and improving your SEO rankings.

How To Create A Winning Social Media Strategy

How To Create A Winning Social Media Strategy

How To Create A Winning Social Media Strategy

Set S.M.A.R.T. social media marketing goals.

If you’re after social media marketing tactics that will help you improve your bottom line, this one is a no-brainer!

Setting your goals is critical because it allows you to track your progress and measure the performance/efficiency of the social media tactics you’re implementing.

Every goal you set should be:

  • Specific: your goals should be clear and you should know exactly what you need to accomplish, why, and with what resources. For instance, saying you want to get more sales is less specific than saying you want to increase your sales by 25% a month. 

  • Measurable: you should be able to establish a way to measure each goal and know what determines success.

  • Attainable: your goals have to be achievable. For instance, if you’re just starting on Instagram, setting your goal to gaining 100,000 followers in a week might be difficult to achieve. Instead, set increments to help you keep going when you reach each milestone.

  • Realistic: choose realistic goals that you know your business can achieve.

  • Time-bound: define a target end date to keep yourself accountable and ensure you stay consistent.

Once you’ve set your goals, you need to define KPIs to accurately measure the success of your strategy. Analysing data such as clicks and engagement can help you understand how effective your social media campaign is. 

And to make your life easier, I’d recommend you use digital tools such as Hubspot Dashboard and Reporting software. This type of tool will allow you to easily measure the success of your digital campaign and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.


Research Your Target Audience

Believe it or not, many of my clients overlook this step. 

They put together a marketing strategy based on what they think their audience wants and start investing in ads, hoping to get sales. The problem with this strategy is that they’re not tailoring their content to their audience, and as a result, sales rarely follow. 

Knowing your target audience means that you understand their pain points, desires and aspirations. You know what makes them tick and are familiar with the language they use. Only with this information will you be able to create compelling content that resonates with them and sparks emotions or curiosity. 

Tailoring your content to your target audience is the only way to create an effective social media marketing strategy and ensure your investment won’t go directly down the drain.

Research Your Target Audience

Research Your Target Audience

Conduct a Competitive Analysis

One of the most important social media marketing tactics I teach my clients is to conduct an in-depth analysis of what their competition is doing. 

Select a few competitors and thoroughly browse their feeds. Study posts that work and those that don’t. Look at the comments and feedback from their audience. See what format, language, and imagery they use and what makes their followers tick.

Their audience is effectively your audience, so any information you can glean will help you fine-tune your social media marketing strategy. 

Also, use Facebook and Instagram to study their ads, as Facebook allows you to access ads that your competition is currently running. Jump on their business page and click the transparency option and ta-da! You’ll see all of the ads they’re running.

Perfect Your Social Storytelling 

Consumers don’t want to hear about cold facts and numbers. They want to hear stories that take them on a journey into your brand's universe. 

Therefore, the way to your target audience’s heart is through an impassioned and captivating story. Make sure to convey your message using a powerful narrative and you’ll be on your way to winning over your viewers or readers.

Also, when crafting your story, use power words. These special words will help turn cold prospects into brand advocates and paying customers. To assist you, I recently published an article on the 99 best power words for sales pitches to land new clients in.

Showcase Your Personality 

Showing your personality is the best way to create a strong bond with your audience and prompt them to follow you. People want to know who is behind a product or service. They crave interactions, and humanising your brand by showing your personality will help them relate to you and your brand and coax them to purchase from you. So, make them laugh, cry, or wonder and be vulnerable! 



Create Engaging Content

Any successful social media marketing strategy hinges on high-quality and engaging content. 

Sure, you need to make sure your content provides value to your customers. But it also needs to be appealing.

Here are some best practices when it comes to creating engaging social media posts:

  • Show, don’t tell: rather than writing a massive wall of text and risking losing your audience’s attention, use compelling visuals and short and powerful copy. 

  • Write with your audience in mind: use their language and adjust your tone of voice.

  • Publish both photo and video-based posts

  • Take crisp photos and record high-quality footage

  • Share customer testimonials

  • Organise contests

Tailor Your Content To Each Social Media Platform

Each social media platform has unique algorithms and demographics and serves unique purposes. 

For instance, people use TikTok to watch fun and engaging videos, while LinkedIn is more geared toward professionals looking to network or learn about specific industries and topics. 

Facebook users are using the platform to interact with their friends and family.

Knowing exactly the purpose of each of these platforms will help you publish relevant and highly-tailored content, increasing your chances of success.   

Tailor Your Content To Each Social Media Platform

Tailor Your Content To Each Social Media Platform

Post Regularly And At The Best Times

The key to being successful on social media is consistency. 

Consider this. Say you’re really into fitness and you follow a fitness brand on Instagram. Every day, the team posts short videos showing different exercises to target different areas of the body. 

One day, as you log onto their Instagram account to check the new daily video, you notice they haven’t published one. You keep checking their Insta account for the next five days and finally, a new video comes up. You think they’re back on track. They must have had an issue that specific week. No big deal.

The following day you log in and there isn’t any new video. 

How long until you decide to follow a different fitness brand that posts more consistently? I bet not long.

See where I am going with this? 

Competition is fierce between brands nowadays, and once you’ve managed to capture your audience’s attention, you need to keep it by consistently posting high-quality content. 

Therefore, make sure you always post at the same frequency so your audience knows what to expect.

Also, don’t forget to research optimal posting times on each social media channel.

Post Regularly And At The Best Times

Post Regularly And At The Best Times

Use A Social Media Scheduling Tool

Now, I get it. 

As a business owner myself, I know that every day, you need to wear multiple hats and juggle a million tasks. After all, that’s part of the job description.

And that makes staying on top of your social media posting game challenging. That’s why one of the social media marketing tactics I recommend using is creating a social media calendar and investing in a scheduling tool to automate your social media posts. 

These tools allow you to upload your content in advance and schedule your posts on multiple platforms at the most optimal times to maximise your reach.


Respond To Your Audience

This is customer service 101. 

If your audience asks questions or expresses concerns about your offer or content, the least they’ll be expecting is for you to respond. 

Want to know a secret? 

Many brands don’t allocate enough time and resources to systematically respond to their audience. And if they do it, most of the answers are generic and don’t feel authentic. 

So, if you can, spend the time crafting personalised responses, answering questions or concerns, you’ll stand out and win your audience’s heart in no time. They‘ll see you as a brand that genuinely cares about them.

Work With Professional Copywriters 

As you might have heard before, content is king. Now, creating engaging and valuable content consistently can be challenging unless you’re a marketing expert.

That’s why one of the best social media marketing tactics you can implement if you want to drive your sales is to hire a professional copywriter.

Here are a few ways a professional copywriter can help you:

  • They’re adept at creating content specifically for social media platforms.

  • They know what type of content will resonate with your audience based on the platforms that you want to publish on.

  • They know how to write copy that converts.

  • They’ll save you time and money.

  • Their versatility means that they can write for any of your social media marketing campaigns.

  • They’ll help you be consistent.

  • They’ll help drive traffic to your website and improve your SEO rankings.

Work With Professional Copywriters

Work With Professional Copywriters

Want To Know A Secret?

At CopywritingCrew, we’ve helped countless businesses create a winning social media content strategy to boost their sales. 

Our team of highly experienced copywriters is well-versed in the latest social media marketing tactics that can get your results instantly. If you choose to work with us, you’ll always be assigned an experienced copywriter with a background in your industry as well as an editor. 

This way, we can ensure that your social media copy is seamless and tailored to your specific target audience. So, if you’re keen to improve your sales through your social media channels, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Hire Top Copywriters

Hire Top Copywriters

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Media Marketing Tactics

Question: What are the best social marketing tactics?

Answer: In order to design a winning social media marketing strategy, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Set S.M.A.R.T goals.

  • Define your KPIs.

  • Research your target audience.

  • Conduct a competitive analysis.

  • Perfect your social storytelling.

  • Showcase your personality.

  • Create engaging content.

  • Tailor your content to each social media platform.

  • Create a social media calendar.

  • Post regularly and at the best times.

  • Respond to your audience’s comments. 

  • Partner with micro-influencers.

  • Build a strong network of brand advocates.

  • Create a hashtag strategy.

Question: What are the best social media marketing tips?

Answer: I’ve tested countless marketing tips over the years and I’ve listed for you the best ones to boost your sales:

  • Define your goals.

  • Learn as much as you can about your potential customers to be able to address their pain points.

  • Choose the best social media platforms for your business.

  • Create content pillars for a unified experience.

  • Use social media scheduling tools.

  • Humanize your brand.

  • Share value-added content.

Question: What is a big downside of social media content marketing?

Answer: While having a strong social media content marketing strategy is key these days, if you want to improve your sales, it can come with some disadvantages including:

  • The risk of public negative reviews

  • The necessity of creating new and original content regularly 

  • The cost of social media ads 

  • The time organic social media promotion requires


Further Reading

If you loved learning about social media marketing tactics and need more tips on how to increase your sales, here are a few other articles that could help:

How To Write The Perfect Video Script For Your Business in 2022

How To Write The Perfect Video Script For Your Business in 2022

How To Write The Perfect Video Script For Your Business in 2022

What do The Godfather, Casablanca, and Pulp Fiction movies all have in common?

Great storytelling.

After all, Alfred Hitchcock says it best: “To make a great film, you need three things – the script, the script, and the script.”

That’s because humans have been connecting through stories for millennia, making storytelling the most ancient and the most effective element of any marketing strategy. 

This means that when writing the video script for your business, you’re not just writing lines. You’re writing a powerful story that will take your viewers on an immersive journey into your brand’s universe. 

Not sure where to start with video scripting?

To help you, I've decided to share the six steps to a winning corporate video script that will dazzle your target customers and help you win them over!

Writing the perfect script for your business videos can be challenging. That’s why, here, I share the key steps you need to follow for a winning video script for your business.

Why Is A Corporate Script So Important?

A well-thought-out script will help you plan your video, ensure it matches your brand personality, and convey your message efficiently. And all these factors are key ingredients in the recipe for success!

A script will also allow you to:

  • Spend less time filming as you’ve already mapped out your video content
  • Craft the perfect story, and ensure it flows and is compelling.
  • Grab your viewers’ attention within seconds, as writing a script allows you to spend time crafting an engaging intro.
  • Promote your brand in a compelling way.
  • Create a much better video than if you had shot your video on a whim.
  • Produce a video that caters to your audience

Well-crafted scripts will fuel the success of your corporate videos. So, make sure you dedicate the time and resources needed to write an engaging script for your business videos.

Video Script Framework

I’ve highlighted below the main elements you need to take into consideration when scripting your corporate video.

Video Format

The video format entirely depends on the kind of video you want to shoot and the marketing channels you want to distribute it on.

For instance, the optimal length for an Instagram video is approximately 30 seconds, while YouTube videos between 7 and 11 minutes tend to perform well.

Yet, regardless of the type of videos you record and the marketing channels you promote them on, here’s a rule that you should follow when it comes to scripting:

  • Video duration of 30 seconds equals 60 words
  • Video duration of 60 seconds equals 120 words
  • And video duration of 120 seconds equals 240 words

You get the idea 😉

Video Script Outline

Writing a video script for your business can seem overwhelming. That’s why starting by creating an outline is always a good idea. It will ensure you include all the things you want to cover in the video. 

Successful videos often follow the structure below:

  • A killer hook to grab your viewers’ attention
  • Problem your target customers are facing
  • Solution you can provide  
  • Unique value proposition
  • Your company culture
  • A call to action

Adding these six components to your footage will allow you to make sure your video flows and takes viewers into an exciting journey.

Video Script 

Now, time to focus on the content or meat of the video! This is the part where you need to combine your copywriting skills and creative mind to create a compelling story that resonates with your audience.

I know writing a video script for your business can seem daunting, even if you have managed to draft the outline. After all, that’s why many of our clients invest in our professional copywriting services.

However, if you’d rather write the video script for your business yourself, here are a few questions your video content should answer:

  • What is your company’s mission?
  • Why was your product or service created?
  • How does your solution solve your customers’ problems?
  • Why should they choose you over your competition?
  • What emotions do you want to elicit?
  • How do you want your viewers to feel when watching your video?
  • What key messages do you want to convey?

How To Write A Highly-Converting Script For Your Business Videos

Want to create an amazing video that will stand out, drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into paying customers?

Here’s how.

Write A Video Brief

The first step to writing a high-converting video script for your business is to craft a detailed brief. The brief should include the key elements below:

  • What makes them tick?
  • Why do you want to create this video?
  • What message do you want to convey?
  • Who is your audience?
  • What language do they use?
  • Where will you promote this video?
  • What’s your budget, and what’s your deadline?

This step will help you clarify your objectives, gather the information you need to connect with your audience, and fine-tune your strategy if necessary.

Craft A Killer Opening

Ever watched Inglourious Basterds, The Lion King, or Goodfellas? These movies were instant successes because they feature powerful openings that elicit emotion and instantly pull viewers in.

And even though you’re not shooting a video for Hollywood, you still need to grab your viewers’ attention quickly. That’s because the average attention span is 8 seconds these days, and competition for consumers’ attention is fierce.

Your opening scene should act as a hook by:

  • Sparking excitement,
  • Building suspense, or
  • Making people laugh

Perfect Your Story

Your message shouldn’t feel like a corporate message. It should be conveyed as a story. 


Because as Steven Spielberg once said: “Audiences are harder to please if you’re just giving them effects, but they’re easy to please if it’s a good story.” It’s a fact. As human beings, we’re much more likely to remember stories than facts alone.            

Perfect Your Story

Perfect Your Story

Keep Your Script Short And Easy To Understand 

Sometimes, my clients get caught in the excitement and start writing without a specific goal in mind. And sure enough, they often end up with pages and pages of video script for their business video. I get it, they’re eager to tell customers everything about their brand and their product and let their creative juices flow. 

But when it comes to videos, shorter is sweeter. Of course, as mentioned before, the video format you should choose depends on the channel you’re promoting your video on. But as a rule of thumb, try not to record a video over 2 minutes, or you risk losing your viewers’ interest.

Also, whether you’re writing about a complex AI-powered solution or a revolutionary fitness program, you need to ensure that the information is easy to digest. So, use simple words even though you’re explaining complex concepts.

Use Your Audience’s Language

The best way to lose your viewers’ attention is by using complex and wordy sentences. Unless your audience is highly educated and enjoys complex sentences, a best practice is to use easy-to-understand language. 

So, for your video to be successful, make sure to study the way your audience speaks and use expressions and words they tend to say. How do you find out? Browse Facebook profiles, scour forums, and peruse any other sites your audience hangs out on.

Using the same language as your audience will allow you to create content that resonates with your target customers and helps them connect with your brand.

Read Several Times And Tweak

Ok, I must warn you here: the idea isn’t to endlessly tweak your script until it reaches perfection. The reality is that you’ll never know if it’s perfect until you publish your video and gauge your audience’s reaction.

Instead, read your script several times out loud to see how it sounds and adjust to ensure it flows and takes your target customers on an immersive journey.

As an extra tip, once you’ve finished writing your video script, take a step back, do something else, and get back to it later with a fresh set of eyes. It will allow you to better assess whether the script needs fine-tuning and help you spot any syntax or grammar mistakes.

3 Powerful Templates Of Video Script For Your Business

Explainer Video

Upsend is a customer service platform for small businesses. Upsend knows that small businesses sometimes struggle to maintain excellent customer service due to a lack of resources and time. The company also knows that customer engagement platforms can be expensive for small businesses.

In this explainer video, Upsend establishes a connection with its target audience by immediately raising these two issues. The brand then continues by highlighting its unique solution and showing small businesses how it can solve their pain points. The video closes with a compelling call to action encouraging viewers to try the service for free. 

Explainer videos are particularly useful for SaaS companies or businesses providing complex solutions or products to their customers. That’s because videos make information easier to understand and digest while saving busy consumers precious time.

Here’s a video script template you can follow if you choose to create an explainer video:

  • Show a character struggling with an issue that resonates with your customers.

  • Introduce the solution by highlighting how your offering can help and how it works.

  • Show your audience the results your product or service brings.

  • Use a call to action to move them to action.

Testimonial Video

Video testimonials are extremely useful to build trust with your audience. They can depict clients talking about your products or services and explain how your solution helped them. But they can also show your employees talking about your unique company culture and values. The idea with video testimonials is to be creative in the way that you convey your message, ensuring the script is engaging. 

Sure, it’s a corporate video communicating the benefits of your offering, but it doesn’t have to be boring!

To capitalize on this, ensure your testimonial video creates a curiosity gap, enticing viewers to stay engaged throughout the video. You should also use the ‘’show, don’t tell’’ approach. Show your audience the impact you’re having on your clients’ lives, don’t simply tell them. 

Last but not least, a great testimonial video should encourage people to take the necessary steps to learn more about your solution or buy it without you having to explicitly ask them to. 

Here’s a great example of a video script for your business by DDP Yoga. DDP Yoga is a fitness program to lose weight and gain strength. 

Now, this video testimonial from Vance Hinds hits on all the points mentioned above. As the viewers embark on the journey of Vance’s transformation, each scene keeps on sparking curiosity, raising new questions. Following him on his journey also allows potential customers to witness his transformation and see how effective the program is.


In September 2021, Amazon released Astro, its highly anticipated AI-powered home robot. And to announce this new product, the company created a movie-like announcement video

In the first scene, one of the characters is wondering what the use of this robot could be for her. As the other character asks the robot to follow him, the video takes us on a journey through the different applications for the robot, answering her original question and helping viewers better understand the value of such a machine. 

The scenario depicts a day in the lives of people from different backgrounds and generations with Astro, ensuring most consumers can relate to some of these situations.

The dialogues are short but cheerful and lighthearted, eliciting emotion and helping Amazon build a deep connection with the brand. The last scene invites viewers to learn more about Astro using #meetastro.

An engaging movie-like promotional video is a great way for brands to hook the viewers in and stand out from the online noise. They tend to make a long-lasting impression in consumers’ minds without sounding salesy.

The template for an announcement video is as follows:

  • Short introduction raising the different questions consumers might have about a product or service.

  • Main message explaining why the product or service was created and how it can help your audience.

  • Call to action for people to learn more about the brand and product, or even a discount to coax them into purchasing.

And if you’re looking for more inspiration, Amanda Horvath provides an excellent brand video template.

Need Help Writing A Winning Video Script For Your Business?

If you’re not sure how to communicate about your solution in a compelling way or how to use the right language to elicit emotions and build a connection with your target audience, you’re not alone.

Unless you’re a video marketing expert, writing a high-converting video script for your business is challenging. 

Video marketing isn’t just about recording a video and hitting the publish button on your marketing channels. It’s about crafting the perfect story and conveying it in a compelling way through your video script. And that’s where the CopywritingCrew team can help!

If you need help writing your video script, get in touch with us. We’d be happy to discuss your upcoming video project and see how we can help!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Video Script For Businesses

Question: How Do I Start Writing a Script?

Answer: Before you write your script, you need to tackle the following elements:

  • Video brief
  • Video format
  • Script outline

These steps are an essential and integral part of writing a script, so you should cover them first.

Question: How do you write a business video script?

Answer: A lot of things go into writing a successful corporate video script, but here’s a summary of the key steps you need to take:

  • Craft a powerful opening 
  • Perfect your storytelling
  • Keep the video short and easy to understand
  • Use your target audience’s language
  • Include a call to action
  • Read several times and adjust

Further Reading

You should now have the tools to craft the perfect video script for your business!

If you’re looking for more tips on copywriting in general, I’d recommend that you read some of our latest blog posts, including:

How To Write a Professional And Compelling LinkedIn Summary

How To Write a Professional And Compelling LinkedIn Summary

How To Write a Professional And Compelling LinkedIn Summary

LinkedIn is the biggest B2B social network in the world.

This explains why 40 million people use the platform for job searches every week.

What’s more, 80% of LinkedIn users are decision makers, making the social network a strategic tool whether you’re looking for a new job or new clients.

That’s why I recommend that you use your LinkedIn summary strategically. Your LinkedIn summary can be a powerful tool in your job search toolbox to help you uncover incredible employment opportunities!

How so?

In this blog post, I’m going to tell you why your LinkedIn summary is so important. And I’ll also share some LinkedIn summary examples to inspire you and get your creative juices flowing.

Why Is A Good LinkedIn Summary So Important?

Knowing how to write a good LinkedIn summary is critical because it can set you apart from millions of other LinkedIn users.

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 1

Make A Good First Impression

Your LinkedIn summary (or ''about'' section) sits right below your name and job title. So, when a user lands on your LinkedIn profile, this is pretty much the first thing they’ll see. This means that your ‘’about’’ section is your chance to capture your target audience’s attention and make a good first impression.

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 2

Show Your Personality

Whether you’re looking for a new job or want to find new clients, we live in an era where people want to get to know you before doing business with you. They want to know who is behind your polished LinkedIn profile. A professional LinkedIn photo and a well-written section about your professional background and goals aren’t enough anymore.

Nowadays, you need to inject a bit of personality into your LinkedIn summary while keeping it professional. You need to show prospective recruiters or clients what you’re all about and share your personal values. 

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 3

Helps With LinkedIn SEO

The ''about'' section offers a fantastic opportunity to optimise your Linkedin Profile for searches and boost your visibility. So, it’s critical that you leverage these 2,000 words to include keywords that recruiters or clients might be typing when looking for someone like you.

Some tools can help you optimise your LinkedIn profile by analyzing it and highlighting keywords you should be using.  

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 4

How To Write The Perfect LinkedIn Summary

Like with any marketing asset, a good LinkedIn profile should include an attention-grabbing hook, a compelling career story, and optimised search terms. 

Let’s dive into the key tips on how to write the best LinkedIn summary to stand out from your competition.

Write An Attention-Grabbing Opening Statement

Your first sentence should act as a hook. The average attention span is shrinking, so you literally have a few seconds to grab your target audience's attention. 

Consider these two summaries:

When I was 18, I climbed Mount Everest. This once-in-a-lifetime experience taught me to always push my boundaries to become a better version of myself and develop a growth mindset. Since then, I've consistently overachieved in my roles.

I have over 15 years of experience in sales and I currently work as a sales manager for L’Oreal. I always strive to overperform.

Now, if you’re a recruiter, which profile would resonate with you most?

I know which person I would want to know more about 😉   

Open Up About Your Career

Sure, your LinkedIn summary should be clear and concise. Yet, adding some context to your career to date is the perfect way to help recruiters better connect with your profile. 

Try to make your summary flow and highlight the logic behind each of your job transitions. Your career should follow a thread. And if you happened to change careers along the way, your summary should touch on the reasons behind it. It should also show how your past experiences helped you succeed in your new career path. 

Use your LinkedIn summary to create a connection with recruiters and let them see your personality.

Mention Your Accomplishments

Some will call it bragging, others selling yourself. The key is to highlight your biggest accomplishments in 1-2 sentences without sounding arrogant. And the best way to do that is by stating facts. 

For instance, if you’ve been a sales manager for a few years, you could explain how you increased the bottom line of your department. Use numbers to put things in perspective.

Make It Digestible

While you can write up to 2,000 characters in your LinkedIn summary section, I’d recommend following the best practices below to make your summary easy to read:

  • Use bullet points to break down the information.

  • Write short paragraphs (3-5 sentences max).

  • Use numbers and awards.

  • Write two or three all-caps headers.

Add Relevant Keywords

Think about keywords prospective employers would be typing in the LinkedIn search bar when looking for someone with your skillset. Look at similar profiles and use keyword optimisation tools to uncover the main keywords you should be using. And once you’ve come up with a list, add them strategically to your LinkedIn summary. 

A word of advice, though: avoid keyword stuffing at all costs. Keyword stuffing will make your summary harder to read and deter recruiters from reading past the first few sentences.

Add A Call To Action

Don’t forget to share your details and let recruiters know that you’re open to having a chat. The end of the ‘’about’’ section is one of the best places to do that. After you’ve captivated your audience with your incredible career story and achievements, this will prompt them to reach out.

3 LinkedIn Summary Examples

Now, unless you’re a professional copywriter with extensive marketing experience, chances are you'll find writing a compelling LinkedIn summary challenging. Yet, as explained before, your summary is critical if you’re hoping to land your dream job.

A dull summary will quickly bore prospective employers and deter them from getting in touch with you. On the other hand, a carefully crafted paragraph with a fantastic hook and a compelling narrative can prompt them to immediately reach out. 

That’s why to help inspire you, I’m sharing my three favourite LinkedIn summary examples below.

Example #1: Ez Khan at Spencer Lane

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 5

Ez Khan is the founder of Melbourne-based recruitment agency Spencer Lane. 

What I really like about his profile is how much personality Ez managed to inject while still sounding professional. 

The opening statement is quite powerful. Telling people he has a smile on his face every day when he goes to work helps potential employers and employees better connect with him on a personal level. Plus, I don’t know about you, but it makes me want to smile too!

Also, throughout the first paragraph, his passion for his work is transparent.

The rest of the paragraph gives a great overview of his skills, what makes him tick and the value he brings to a team and to his clients.

Example #2: Katrina Ortiz at Crown Data System

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 6

Katrina's LinkedIn Summary is snappy, compelling, and professional. She tells a story and does it well. Indeed, the software developer uses a metaphor as a hook and continues on the same theme, linking it back in the second paragraph. As soon as she clicked the play button on her first-ever Python tutorial, the spark ignited and she caught fire. This narrative instantly grabs her audience and pulls them into her universe. 

Her summary feels authentic, using colloquial language such as ‘’meh’’. She even uses humour, adding a lot of personality to her ''about'' section.

I particularly like this example because software developers are usually considered geeky and even sometimes awkward. Yet, Katrina shows the exact opposite. Her summary is fun and energetic while still highlighting her core skills and conveying her passion for the job.

Example #3: Pedro Cortes at Cortes Design

LinkedIn Summary Example

LinkedIn Summary Example 7

Pedro Cortes is an independent consultant specialising in helping SaaS companies improve their branding and increase their sales.

Pedro’s summary is designed to appeal to his target audience: SaaS companies that struggle to convert their web visitors into paying customers.

He clearly highlights their pain points, ensuring his LinkedIn summary perfectly resonates with his readers. What’s more, he also explains in detail how he can help them and even creates FOMO by only working with a few select clients. 

Last but not least, Pedro includes a call to action in his summary to let people know what they should do next if they want to work with him.

I hope these three LinkedIn summary examples will help you better understand how to make yours eye-catching and compelling. 

Need more inspiration?

Here are 80+ professional bio templates to help you create a compelling narrative for your LinkedIn summary.

Where To Find An Experienced Copywriter For Your LinkedIn Summary

Now, writing a great summary requires skills. Whether your goal is to attract qualified employees, land new clients, or a new job, our experienced copywriters can craft the perfect LinkedIn Summary for you. 

Also, content creation has increased by 60% in 2020 on LinkedIn, placing quality content creation at the heart of a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy for millions of businesses. 

And the great news is that our versatile wordsmiths can also craft high-quality blogs for you to publish on your LinkedIn profile. Regularly posting native content will make potential clients, employees, and recruiters see you as an authority in your field.

If you’re not sure how a copywriter can help you, here’s a post I wrote providing 6 reasons why you should hire a copywriter.

If you’re ready to boost your LinkedIn profile, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. My team and I will be happy to help!

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Frequently Asked Questions About LinkedIn Summaries

Question: How do I write a good LinkedIn summary?

Answer: Great LinkedIn summaries share a common denominator. They follow the best practices listed below.

For your summary to stand out and fulfill its purpose you should:

  • Write an attention-grabbing opening statement
  • Open up about your career
  • Mention your accomplishments
  • Make your summary digestible
  • Add relevant keywords
  • Include a call to action

Question: How do I describe my role on LinkedIn?

Answer: While your summary is a great way to grab recruiters’ attention, the job section is the next section they’ll check after reading your summary. Therefore, you need to spend time crafting each job description and make sure they’re engaging and relevant to the role you want next.

Here is how to describe each of your roles on LinkedIn:

  • Write a sentence or two to describe your employer and the industry you were operating in
  • List your duties and main responsibilities: limit your duties and responsibilities to 10 and focus on the ones that are most relevant to the type of role you want next.
  • Add 3 achievements for each of the roles

Question: How do I optimise my LinkedIn profile?

Answer: Optimising your LinkedIn profile can make all the difference between having to job hunt for weeks and waking up to a full inbox.

Here are ten steps to optimise your LinkedIn Profile:

  • Use a professional profile picture
  • Add a relevant background photo
  • Write a compelling LinkedIn summary
  • Add relevant keywords to your summary
  • List your main duties, responsibilities, and achievements under each job and add relevant skills
  • Ask for recommendations and work hard to get endorsements
  • Take a skills assessment
  • Regularly publish and share relevant content
  • Don’t add every single job you’ve had if you have a long job history. Focus on the most relevant ones.
  • And any certifications, degrees, or awards

Further reading

Now that you know how to write the perfect LinkedIn summary, here are some additional resources to help you land your dream job:

How Facebook Ads Can Help Your Business Succeed In 2022

How Facebook Ads Can Help Your Business Succeed in 2022

How Facebook Ads Can Help Your Business Succeed in 2022

2.89 billion.

That’s the number of monthly active users on Facebook in 2022

Pretty impressive for a social media platform that didn’t exist 20 years ago.

18 years ago, Facebook revolutionised the way we communicate and enhanced our ability to connect to others. The platform has also changed the way we consume and share information. 

But more than anything it has helped create millions of jobs across the world and has unlocked tremendous opportunities for businesses through Facebook ads or the facebook business page features.

Every year, Facebook helps businesses generate billions of dollars in sales. That’s why over 200 million companies use Facebook to promote their products or services.

So, if you’re still on the fence and aren’t sure how compelling Facebook ads can help your business, here are five reasons why you should use Facebook ads.

But first, let’s take a closer look at some key Facebook stats to help you create your Facebook advertising strategy.

Key Facebook Statistics 

  • Facebook’s advertising audience is 2.15 billion.
  • On average, Fac$1.72.ebook users click on 12 ads per month.
  • 72.8% of Facebook users are between 18 and 44 years old.
  • 79.9% of Facebook users only access Facebook using mobile.
  • Two-thirds of Facebook users visit a business page every week.
  • The average cost of Facebook ads per one thousand impressions (CPM) is $5.31.
  • The total average cost-per-click across all industries is $1.72.
  • Over one in three companies cite Facebook as providing the best ROI when compared to Google Paid Search.
  • Women are more likely to click Facebook ads
  • 1.6 billion Facebook users are connected to a small business page on the platform.

These stats show the importance of Facebook ads for companies looking to grow their business.

Key Facebook Statistics in 2021

Key Facebook Statistics

How Can Facebook Ads Help Your Business

Your Customers Are On Facebook

Every day, 1.79 billion people log into Facebook. In fact, Facebook is the third most visited website in the world right after Google and YouTube! So, chances are your target audience is already on Facebook. This makes the platform one of the best advertising channels to reach your potential customers.

As a busy business owner, it can be hard to juggle so many different tasks from accounting and recruitment, to customer service and advertising and marketing strategy. 

The great thing about Facebook ads is that it takes the promotion side of things off your plate. Once you know who your target audience is and how to pull them in with engaging Facebook ad copy, all you need to do is press the publish button and watch your engagement and conversion rates go up.

And if you’re unsure how to write compelling Facebook ad copy, read our latest blog post on 8 secrets to writing Facebook ad copy that converts.

Facebook Ads Allow For Micro Targeting

One of the best features of Facebook advertising is the ability to reach your exact audience with micro-targeting options. These powerful targeting tools will help you reach users who are likely to find your Facebook ad copy relevant, and increase the chances they engage with your ads.

Some of the targeting options available include:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Relationship status
  • Behaviors
  • Interests
  • Language
  • Education
  • Income
  • Job Title
  • Household composition 

And more as well!

Now, to maximize your micro-targeting, you’ll need to write snappy, engaging, and highly relevant ad copy. Or you could hire a professional copywriter to do it for you.

Advertising On Facebook Is Affordable

Another major benefit of Facebook advertising is how inexpensive it is compared to other paid marketing channels such as TV, Radio, specialised magazines, or even billboard advertising. 

As discussed before the average cost per one thousand impressions is $5.31. Plus, you can spend as little as $1 a day on ads depending on your objectives. 

And the beauty of Facebook advertising is you can set your daily, weekly, or monthly budget, and the platform will stop showing your ad once your budget’s been hit. This way, you can advertise without having to worry about overspending. 

With such a massive audience and a low cost to reach it, Facebook ads are arguably one of the most efficient and affordable ways to promote your brand. 

Advertising On Facebook Is Affordable

Advertising On Facebook Is Affordable

Facebook Provides Businesses With Great Analytics Tools

With Facebook ads, you can easily track the success of your advertising campaign through key metrics such as CPM or CTR. While CPM measures the cost per one thousand impressions, the CTR refers to the click-through rate or the ratio of clicks to impressions for each ad.

Thanks to the Facebook ads manager dashboard, you’ll be able to see at a glance how many impressions, clicks, and likes your Facebook ads drove. And by installing a Facebook ad pixel on your website, you’ll also be able to track conversions.

What’s more, the A/B testing feature also allows you to test different Facebook ad copy to optimize your marketing campaign and improve your results.

Note that Facebook discontinued its Facebook Analytics tool in June 2021, but you can still collect real-time data using Facebook Business Suite Insights.

Both channels are great and the results will depend on your ability to optimize your ads for each channel. On one hand, Google ads can boost your conversion faster than Facebook ad copy as people on Google are already primed to buying something. However, Facebook ads have a better targeting option allowing you to reach the right audience immediately.  

Facebook Ads Can Help With Word-Of-Mouth

Facebook is first and foremost a social network. People use the platform to chat with their friends and family but also to share exciting news, products, or services and content they love.

In fact, Facebook users share an average of 4.75 billion posts every single day!

So, if you can write scroll-stopping Facebook ad copy and know exactly how to optimize your ads for maximum impact, you’ll be unstoppable. 

After all, the viral potential the platform offers companies is one of the main reasons why it is so popular with businesses.

How To Write Compelling Facebook Ad Copy

Quality content drives qualified leads. And qualified leads drive sales. That’s why your Facebook ad copy is critical to a successful Facebook ad campaign. Sure, the image will help pull viewers in, but the copy is what will convince them to learn more about your offering.

Some of the best practices to write high converting Facebook ad copy include:

  • Matching the visual to the copy

  • Using A/B testing to test different ad copy

  • Use one strong call to action

  • Keep the copy short and provide value

  • Use simple words

  • Use numbers or questions to hook your target audience

If you just follow those simple tips, you’re sure to write some sales-boosting Facebook ad copy. But what if you don’t have the time and money to get into the trial and error process? I understand. After all, that’s why I created Copywriting Crew.

And whether you’re looking to increase post engagement or boost your conversions, our team of experienced Facebook ad copywriters can help you.

So, if you’re looking to increase your brand awareness and improve your bottom line, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Alternatively, you can order directly on our Facebook ad copy service page.
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Further Reading

Here are some of our latest blog posts to help you improve your Facebook ad copy:

Frequently Asked Questions About Facebook Ad Copy

Question: Is Facebook good for business advertising?

Answer: Facebook is the best marketing channel to promote your brand and offering. That’s because the platform features a large audience with 2.79 billion monthly active users. And being a social media network it also generates a lot of interactions and engagement with over 4.75 billion pieces of content shared every day. So, chances are your audience is on the platform and is likely to engage with relevant content.

Question: Why are Facebook ads effective?

Answer: What makes Facebook ads particularly effective is the level of audience targeting the platform offers as it enables businesses to reach their exact audience. What’s more, Facebook is the third most visited website in the world, and provides companies with a unique opportunity to quickly boost their reach and sales numbers.

Question: Which is better: Google ads or Facebook ads?

Answer: Both channels are great and the results will depend on your ability to optimize your ads for each channel. On one hand, Google ads can boost your conversion faster than Facebook ad copy as people on Google are already primed to buying something. However, Facebook ads have a better targeting option allowing you to reach the right audience immediately. 

Sales Page vs. Landing Page: Which One Does Your Business Need?

Sales page vs. landing page, which one should you use? I’ll answer this question while also covering the pros and cons of long-form vs. short-form sales page copy.

Are you a business owner? Do you have a website?

If so, you might have heard that you need a landing page or a sales page, or maybe both.

Well, unless you’re a marketing expert, knowing the difference between a sales page and a landing page can be tricky. They’re both standalone pages on your website, and each is designed to help achieve your sales goals down the line. However, they have different objectives that aim to reach web visitors at different stages of your marketing funnel.

So in this blog post, I’ll go into detail about the differences between a sales page and a landing page. And I’ll discuss the pros and cons of long-form sales page copy vs. short-form sales copy as well.

Also, if you’re wondering what skills are needed to write landing or sales page copy, I recommend you read one of our latest blogs on 7 traits of sales copywriters you should be hiring.

What’s A Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page created for a single objective: converting visitors into leads. 

But how can a landing page help convert your web visitors into qualified leads?

Well, the reason it’s called a landing page is that it’s where your visitors “land” after clicking on a link in an email newsletter, social media bio, or Google, YouTube, or Facebook ad.

Once there, the goal is to get web visitors to share their contact details by offering a freebie (or lead magnet) in exchange for their email address. The process is more simple than you’d think.

Let's say a visitor clicks to your landing page from a Facebook ad. They'd end up on your landing page and see you're willing to give them a free 7-day software trial in exchange for an email address. Then they'd type in their email, click submit, and receive an email with their free trial. In exchange, you've just gotten their email address for future marketing purposes.

This is a fantastic way to generate qualified leads. Why? Because people who sign up will have a genuine interest in your main offer. And this makes it easier for you to convert them into paying customers down the road.

What’s A Sales Page?

As the name suggests, a sales page is a web page with one goal in mind: converting web visitors into paying customers.

It does this by sharing the benefits of your products or services, and showing web visitors how your offer can solve their problems. Sales pages that convert typically feature engaging copy, appealing images, social proof, and a clear call to action to encourage prospects to buy. 

Plus, while they can boost your sales and conversion rates, sales pages are also a powerful marketing tool to increase your average transaction value per customer. 

Now, what do you think happens when you combine an expertly written sales page with targeted traffic? Simple, a potential boost in sales!!

We need to ask ourselves who wins in the fight of the sales page vs. landing page? Well, unlike with a landing page, where you’re simply collecting email addresses to sell something later on, if you have a professional sales page, you can reap financial rewards immediately. 

Therefore, a sales page is a no-brainer for businesses looking to improve their bottom line fast. But that leads us to the following question, should you use short-form or long-form copy for your sales page?

What Are the Pros And Cons Of A Long-Form Sales Page?

You might think that shorter copy is better to use. After all, nobody wants to spend hours scrolling down a sales page only to be told many times over to buy a product.

Yet, David Ogilvy himself said that he had only seen short-form copy beat long-form copy twice throughout his entire career.

What are the benefits of a long-form sales page?

  • Helping you sell a technical product or service: long-form sales copy tends to be more effective than short-form, especially when you’re selling a technical product or service that requires educating customers.
  • Helping you sell high-value items: long-form sales pages are also better suited to businesses selling high-value items. That’s because to win over your prospects, you need to provide more reasons why they should spend more money for better quality.
  • Providing you with more opportunities to convince prospects to purchase from you
  • Helping you convert first-time visitors who aren’t familiar with your brand
  • Addressing more objections
  • Enhancing your SEO with the use of more backlinks, keywords, etc.

What are the cons of using a long-form sales page?

  • Risk of losing your prospects’ attention: the average attention span is 8 seconds these days. And this makes it harder to keep your potential customers reading long-form copy. 
  • Overwhelming your prospects with a lot of information

What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Short-Form Sales Page?

While I’ve detailed the scenarios where using long-form copy on your sales page is better, there are reasons why short-form pages are much more common in the digital age.

What are the benefits of a short-form sales pages?

  • Helping you sell lower value items: consumers don’t need as much persuasion when purchasing inexpensive items.
  • Complementing image-heavy sales copy
  • Making the benefits of your products or services easy to spot: this will help you quickly convert web visitors with a short attention span or little time.
  • Making information easier to digest and understand
  • Keeping your customers’ attention

What are the cons of using a short-form sales page?

  • Hard to cover a product or service in-depth
  • Harder to effectively convey the benefits of your offer in a few words
  • Not as helpful with SEO as long-form sales copy
  • You might not manage to answer all of your visitors’ questions

What’s Best For Your Business?

Ultimately, knowing whether to use a landing page or a sales page depends on your specific offer and marketing goals. And the same applies to whether you should use long-form copy or short-form copy on your sales page.

My suggestion? I recommend testing, testing, and testing until you find what resonates best with your audience.

Yet, as a rule of thumb, I like to follow the quote ‘’copy is like a woman’s skirt. It should be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting’’ 😉 And that’s exactly what we strive to do at CopywritingCrew when crafting sales pages for our clients. 

So, if you need help creating high-converting sales page copy, feel free to order on our website. Alternatively, you can also contact Jesse, our founder, to discuss your project.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Pages

Question: Sales page vs. landing page, what’s the main difference?

Answer: a landing page aims at converting web visitors into qualified leads. A sales page aims at converting web visitors into paying customers.

Question: Do I need a sales page?

Answer: if you want to increase your sales and the average value per transaction per customer, then the answer is yes!

Further reading 

If you’re looking for more copywriting tips, don’t hesitate to browse our blog section. Some of our latest blog posts that could be useful to you include:

The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

The Anatomy Of A High-Converting Sales Page

You know you have a fantastic product or service. 

You know your offering solves your customers’ pain points. 

And you know your website is user-friendly and provides all the information your potential customers need. 

But, what you don’t know is how to convince the rest of the world!

Well, the answer is that you need a sales page.

A well-optimised sales page will help convey the benefits of your products or services efficiently and convince your target audience to buy from you.

What is a sales page, and how can you make sure it turns your visitors into loyal customers, you ask?

In this blog post, I’ll explain what a sales page is and why you should have one. And I’ll also share some best practices to craft a sales page that converts.

What Is A Sales Page?

As the name suggests, a sales page is a web page designed for the sole purpose of selling a specific product or service. This standalone page is the key to converting your target audience into loyal customers. A sales page should feature a few key elements, including:

  • Clear value proposition that instantly shows your target audience how your product or service can help them
  • An easy way to learn more about your offering
  • A strong call to action

The question is, do you really need a sales page?


Here are two major benefits of creating a sales page for your business:

Improving Your SEO 

Creating a dedicated sales page for each product or service you offer will allow you to boost your Google rankings. When your website features a sales page for each one of your products, it allows search engines to index and rank each page separately. What’s more, having a dedicated page allows you to fully optimise it best. For instance, you’ll be able to use relevant keywords strategically and customise the URL. And this, in turn, will help rank your page higher when a customer searches for these specific keywords. 

The higher you rank on search engines, the more organic traffic and conversions you’ll get.

Note that if you’re struggling to craft an SEO-optimised sales page, hiring a professional SEO copywriter might be the solution. Here are 5 top reasons why you should use SEO content writing services.

Enhancing The User Experience

Imagine you’re looking for a specific product. You land on a website you’ve never visited before after typing your keywords in the Google search bar. You quickly get overwhelmed by the number of products on offer, can’t find the information you’re after, and decide to exit. How frustrating! 

Since the average attention span is 8 seconds these days, you need to make sure to immediately provide your visitors with the information they need. They should know the benefits of your product, how it can help them and how to buy within a few seconds. 

Creating a dedicated sales page will allow you to do just that, enhancing the user experience for your potential customers and increasing your conversions.

The Ultimate Sales Page Template

Over the years, I’ve helped countless clients create high-converting sales pages. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you should always implement the tips I’m about to share with you. They’ll help turn your visitors and readers into paying customers in no time.

Here’s an infographic showing you exactly the elements your sales page should include. Each of these components is important and I’ve gone into detail into each one below. 

The 10-Point Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page

The 10-Point Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page

1. Your Page Headlines Should Match Your Ad Copy

If you’re running an ad on Facebook or Google and sending the viewers directly to your sales page, you need to ensure your page headlines match your ad copy. Indeed, delivering what you promise is critical if you want your visitors to stick around and buy from you. 

While it might sound obvious, some companies fail to be consistent. 

For instance, Coursera, a popular online course provider, mentioned social media courses in their ad headline as per the example above. However, when potential customers clicked on the link, they were taken to a page where the headline was about digital marketing specialisation. This tends to create a disconnect and confuse the target audience. 

Since website visitors spend an average of 10 seconds on a website, this mistake could cost you a lot in sales and credibility, turning your marketing efforts into dust. Your sales page headline is the first thing your target audience will read. It needs to be clear, concise, and act as a teaser, compelling your website visitors to learn more about your offering.

Here are some tips on how to write high-converting headlines:

  • Clarity! It can be read and understood in about 5 seconds.
  • Avoid hype (like ‘amazing miracle product’). 
  • It states the benefits the visitor can expect.
  • Promise to solve a pressing problem the visitor is facing
  • No confusing jargon (like ‘value-added interactions’) is used unless it’s technical details the target audience would understand.

Facebook ad copywriting example

Facebook ad copywriting example

2. Sub-headline and Value Proposition 

The purpose of the sub-headline is to further explain the headline and to motivate the visitors to continue reading the page. 

But most importantly, the sub-headline should also include the value proposition. In a nutshell, a value proposition is a clear statement that:

  • explains how your product solves customers’ problems 
  • delivers specific benefits 
  • tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition

3. Include an Eye-catching Hero Image Or Video

Using relevant, high-quality imagery on your sales page will help grab your visitors’ attention and break up the text, making your offer more appealing. But it will also help them better understand what your product or service is all about and how it works. 

Besides, adding a video to a product page can boost your conversions by up to 80%! That’s because videos are an easy and entertaining way for consumers to learn more about your brand and your product or service. In fact, 74% of consumers report buying a product after watching an explainer video. 

So, include relevant and engaging videos such as customer testimonials or explainer videos on your sales page to boost your conversion rates.

4. Use Trust Signals In Your Sales Page Copy

First-time visitors don’t know anything about you, your brand, or your offering. And trust is one of the most important factors of any relationship, including between a brand and its customers. In fact, 81% of people need to trust a brand to purchase something from it.

That’s why building trust on your sales page is so important. 

Some of the best ways to build trust with your potential customers include:

  • Using customer testimonials
  • Client logos
  • Including customer reviews (67% of people are influenced by online customer reviews)  
  • Sharing experts, or influencers’ endorsements
  • Adding certifications and guarantee seals

5. Write Compelling Calls To Action

Calls to action are crucial to any successful sales page. They make it clear to potential customers what to do next and help move them to action. Some examples of traditional calls to action include ‘’buy now’’, ‘’try now’’, or ‘’subscribe now’’. 

Here are some best practices to write calls to action that convert:

  • Use strong command verbs such as ‘’buy’’, ‘’shop’’, or ‘’order.’’
  • Add power words to trigger emotions. For instance, ‘’Book your dream vacation today!’’
  • Create FOMO (fear of missing out). For example, ‘’Shop now. Sales end on Friday.’’
  • Use numbers if you can. For instance, ‘’Shop now and get 15% off your first order.’’
  • Be creative and run A/B testing to see what works best with your audience.

6. Describe The Benefits Of Your Product Or Service

Your sales page aims to sell your product or services to your visitors. Therefore, it should always feature the main benefits of what you are selling.

Now, the idea in this section isn’t to list all of the benefits of your offering using bullet points. Instead, strive to highlight the ones that will resonate the most with your prospective customers and explain why they should invest in your solution and what will happen if they do. 

This is your opportunity to show them how your offering is designed to solve their specific problem, and answer their specific needs. 

As a bonus tip, when writing this section, I’d recommend that you focus on the ‘’why’’ instead of the ‘’what’’. What I mean by that is that instead of explaining what your product can do, tell them why you created it the way you did. Always, talk about the value of your offer and let your passion for your products shine.

If you manage to convey the value of your offer and do it in a way that comes across as authentic, you’ll set yourself up for success.  

7. List Important Features

Perhaps your product is eco-friendly. Or perhaps your software allows for team collaboration and automatically generates monthly reports. Regardless of what your offering is, make sure to highlight the key features in your sales page in a clear and concise way. 

Just like with the ‘’main benefits’’ section, talk about the features you know will resonate with your target audience. This way, they’ll be able to quickly understand the capabilities of your product or service and how helpful it can be to them.

8. FAQ

This part is often overlooked, yet a FAQ can be a powerful tool if done right!

Why? Because a thorough and well-thought-out FAQ helps address any concerns your web visitors might have about your offering. 

After all, unlike in a brick-and-mortar store, there's no one around to answer their questions. And even if you have a chat function, you might not be online or they might be looking for a quick answer. A FAQ will help you win over customers that are on the fence. 

When crafting your FAQ, the goal is to make your potential customers feel more comfortable about purchasing from you. So, the more relevant questions you answer, the more they’ll trust they’re making the right decision when hitting the ‘’buy’ button.

9. Meticulously Check For Grammar and Spelling Mistakes

While not being an element of a sales page per say, this is equally important.

If you’re trying to connect with your target audience, you need to build trust. And what better way to break trust and ruin your marketing efforts than leaving spelling and grammar mistakes in your copy? Typos and bad grammar will diminish your credibility and most likely deter your ideal customer from purchasing from you. So, make sure to double and even triple-check your copy before hitting the publish button.

Note that hiring a talented copywriter will help you ensure that your sales page copy is flawless and optimised for high conversions. And if you want to know how else a professional copywriter can improve your copy, read our blog post on 5 things you should look for when hiring a copywriter.

Compelling Sales Page Examples

I’ve included below two sales page examples from CopywritingCrew’s portfolio.

Sales Page 1

Sales Page 1

Here’s why this sales page converts well.

The headlines act as a hook. And they’re all compelling! If you’re a property investor, and read this, you’ll likely wonder whether you could make more money with your investments. Besides, the section just above the call to action clearly explains the value invested can bring to investors picking up on errors and opportunities so that they can reach their goals. 

What’s more, the hero image is on point and the call to action is appealing as it encourages web visitors to get in touch for a free discussion about their portfolio.

If you click on the link below the image, you’ll see that the page clearly lists the benefits of binvested’ services. And it also features a video testimonial and a ‘’view our results’’ option to build trust with the company’s target audience.

Sales Page 2

Sales Page 2

In this example, the headline speaks directly to coaches who want to improve their productivity. The use of ‘’10x’’ works well at grabbing web visitors’ attention. 

The value proposition is clearly stated under the headline, allowing time-poor entrepreneurs to delegate time-consuming technical tasks to a team of experts.

If you click on the link below the image, you’ll also see that the copy successfully communicates how Automation Agency’s solution can solve coaches and speakers’ pain points, making their life easier. 

There are three calls to action scattered across the copy which makes it easy for visitors to take action. What’s more, the last call to action offers a free demo and a ‘’30-day money back guarantee’’. This helps build trust and coax potential customers off the fence.

Need Help To Write A Sales Page That Converts?

Crafting a sales page that converts requires time, experience, and expertise. Sure, the tips I provided in this blog post can get you started. Yet, as mentioned before, you have seconds to convince your potential customers they need your product and should click the ‘’buy now’’ button on your sales page. So, your ad copy needs to be on point, engage readers, and immediately resonate with your target audience. And if you’re not an expert, nailing your sales page can turn out to be a lengthy and costly trial and error process.

That’s when hiring a professional copywriter for your sales page copy can help. Indeed, experienced copywriters will leverage their years of experience and unique skillset to create powerful sales copy that will significantly boost your conversions and sales. It’ll take the guesswork out of the equation, ensure you get high-converting copy and allow you to focus on running your business. 

At CopywritingCrew, we’re passionate about copywriting. That’s why we only select the highest skilled candidates. And when we assign a copywriter to your sales page copy, we always make sure they have industry experience. This way, we know they’ll be able to help you achieve your conversion goals.

So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy copywriter to help you, order your sales copy now or get in touch with Jesse, our founder.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Pages

Question: What Is a sales page (and why should you have one)?

Answer: A sales page is a web page dedicated to selling a specific product or service. It is specifically created to convert visitors into paying customers. That’s why sales pages are a no-brainer for businesses looking to improve their traffic and conversions. 

Some of the main benefits of a sales page include:

  • Helping your ideal customer quickly learn more about your product or service
  • Enhancing your SEO
  • Improving the user experience

Question: How do you structure a sales page?

The sales page template I recommend using includes:

  • Clear, concise, and attention-grabbing headline to pull the visitors in
  • Quick overview expanding on the benefits of your product or service
  • Explanatory subheadings
  • Short paragraphs using bullet points to make the content digestible
  • Relevant and compelling images or videos
  • Trust signals to build a bond with your prospective customers 
  • Strong calls to action to move your visitors to action

Question: How do you optimise a sales page?

To optimise your sales page and increase your conversion rates, follow the steps below:

  • Make sure your ad’s headline matches your sales page headline
  • Use attention-grabbing headlines
  • State the value proposition in the headline and expand on it in the sales page copy
  • Use strong call to action buttons
  • Utilize high-quality images and engaging videos
  • Ensure the copy is impeccable, grammatically sound, and typo-free

Further Reading

To help you skyrocket your sales and achieve your marketing goals, I regularly share tips and tricks about copywriting. 

Here are some of the latest blog posts I’ve published on the subject:

7 Traits To Look For When Hiring A Sales Copywriter

7 Traits To Look For When Hiring A Sales Copywriter

7 Traits To Look For When Hiring A Sales Copywriter

Looking to hire a talented sales copywriter for your business? So, you’ve decided to hire a professional sales copywriter to help boost your sales, drive organic traffic, and take your business to the next level.

Excellent strategy!

But how can  you make sure you hire the best sales copywriter for your business?

How can you make sure they’re the right fit for you?

Well, even though you get along with the person and like their personality and style, they should have developed certain essential skills. These skills are part of a sales copywriter job description and are critical to your success — so, you shouldn’t overlook them. 

At Copywriting Crew, we know the many reasons why our clients decide to hire professional copywriters. But we also know that it can be challenging to find the best sales copywriter for your business.

That’s why to make it easier for you, in this blog post, I’m sharing the seven essential traits every effective sales copywriter should have.


Copywriting is a highly creative career, and creativity is one of the top skills an effective sales copywriter should possess. I often compare it to method acting. For each new assignment, the copywriter must soak in different briefs and scenarios, embody their clients’ buyer personas, and adapt their style and voice. 

Unfortunately, creativity is one of the most difficult qualities to find. Many sales copywriters struggle to remain creative when met with deadlines, word count limitations, and specific guidelines. That’s why experienced copywriters who can meet clients' expectations and add creative flair to sales copy are highly valued.


A good sales copywriter doesn’t read clients’ requirements and immediately starts writing. That’s because effective sales copy requires them to follow a meticulous process. So, once they’ve received a brief, the best sales copywriters will first put their detective hats on and conduct in-depth research into the subject. They’ll study their clients’ unique selling points and analyse their audience’s needs. They’ll also identify the target market’s pain points, the specific language they use, and the kind of content they like and share. Lastly, they’ll add stats and cite their sources to help you establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Then, they’ll work on assembling these pieces of information and bringing them to life in a compelling piece of content that will resonate with the consumers they’re trying to reach.

sales copywriter



Your sales copy has exactly 8 seconds to grab your ideal customer’s attention, pull them in and convince them to take action. 

That’s right. 8 seconds. 

So, if there’s one critical skill your sales copywriter job description should feature, it’s the power of persuasion. After all, online marketing is all about persuading a prospective customer to purchase a product or service.

A seasoned sales copywriter knows the best techniques, tools, and strategies to optimise your content and make it digestible. They’re also adept at leveraging the power of words to elicit emotions, helping you connect with prospective customers.

Therefore, leaning on their unique skills and expertise, a professional copywriter will be able to turn your vision into engaging sales copy and convince your web visitors or readers to click your call-to-action buttons.  


It’s no secret that these days, consumers don’t just buy products or services anymore. They buy stories. They want to be entertained and engaged, but most of all, moved. 

Competition is fierce. Emotionally moving your customers through your copy will allow you to stand out and build strong connections with them. To do so, a professional copywriter needs to uncover your ideal customer’s fears, hopes, needs, and expectations. Therefore, they have to put their own fears, hopes, and desires aside and put themselves in your audience’s shoes. This way, they’ll be able to feel what they feel, address their pain points, and convey your story effectively.

So, being empathetic is a critical trait a sales copywriter job description should include.

Write Attention-Grabbing Hooks And Headlines

With so much information available out there, grabbing your customers’ attention can be challenging. Yet, that’s exactly what a great sales copywriter can help you achieve. 

They know how to create intrigue with headlines and introductions and capture the reader’s or web visitor’s attention. Their unique skillset will encourage your prospective customers to keep reading your content and help move them down the sales funnel. 

For instance, in 2020, the show ‘’Tiger King’’ aired on Netflix. The logline read, “meet Joe Exotic, the gun-toting operator of an Oklahoma big cat park. He has been accused of hiring someone to murder his chief rival, Carole Baskin’’. 

Now, even if you’re not into these kinds of shows, the copy has to have you wondering what this series is all about and enticing you to click. At least it worked with 34 million people within the ten first days after being released! 😉

Write Attention-Grabbing Hooks And Headlines

Write Attention-Grabbing Hooks And Headlines

Not Seeking Perfection

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. 

Sure, working with a perfectionist can be reassuring. That way, you know that your copywriter will never deliver substandard sales copy. They’ll consistently work toward turning your brief into a high-quality piece that will convert like crazy. 

But copywriting is an art, and as American author Edward Abbey put it: ‘’“Great art is never perfect; perfect art is never great.” Seeking perfection is time- and energy - consuming and can deplete your copywriter’s creativity.

A professional copywriter knows that copy can always be tweaked and improved. Yet, they have the ability to look at the bigger picture. This means that they can stop when they’re satisfied that their work will convey your message efficiently, help you build connections with your ideal customer, and reach your sales and marketing goals.


Always Learning Through Reading

The last skill a great sales copywriter should possess is a thirst for knowledge. That’s right. A good sales copywriter should be an avid reader.

Reading has many benefits for professional sales copywriters. It helps them hone their writing and English skills by enriching their vocabulary and developing their imagination and creativity. It also allows them to keep up to date with industry news and implement the latest sales copywriting techniques.

sales copywriter 2

Always Learning Through Reading

Where To Find A Great Sales Copywriter For Your Business?

Have you worked with freelance copywriters before and were disappointed? Or perhaps this is the first time you’re looking to hire a sales copywriter?

At Copywriting Crew, we strive to consistently provide our clients with high-converting sales page copy. That’s because we are not your typical service provider. We endeavour to build long-term relationships with our clients and act as a partner rather than a service provider. That way, we can better understand their brand and their offer and help them improve their bottom line.

And to achieve this goal, we only hire the best copywriters. We ensure they all have years of experience under their belt and possess the seven skills listed in this blog post. 

So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy professional copywriter to increase your sales, order now or get in touch with me. As the founder of Copywriting Crew, I’d love to chat about your next project and see how we can help!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Sales Copywriters

Question: What exactly does a copywriter do?

Answer: a copywriter uses their writing skills to persuade their clients’ target audience to purchase a product or service. They’re adept at turning a brief or an idea into engaging sales copy that will garner interest and generate sales. And to do so, they need to possess a few critical skills, including:

  • Creativity

  • Research skills

  • Persuasion

  • Empathy

  • The ability to write attention-grabbing hooks and headlines

  • The ability to know when their work is good enough

  • Reading

Further Readings

As the founder of a copywriting services agency, I know how difficult finding a great sales copywriter can be. So, here are a few more resources to help you hire the right copywriter for your business:

99 Best Power Words For Sales Pitches To Land New Clients In 2022

99 Best Power Words For Sales Pitches To Land New Clients In 2022

99 Best Power Words For Sales Pitches To Land New Clients In 2022

What’s the difference between successful and unsuccessful companies power words for sales pitch? 

Sure, this is a vast question — yet the answer is simple.

Successful companies don’t simply focus on telling their customers all about their products. They use the power of words to demonstrate how their offer will make the customer a better person.

That’s right. 

The way you describe your products or services and their benefits can make or break your success. Well-crafted copy using a few power words can turn cold prospects into loyal customers and increase your conversion rate by up to 12.7%!

So, here are 99 power words for sales pitch you can use to win over new customers and boost your sales.

Why Are Words So Powerful?

Human beings have been using words for millennia. They’re an essential tool for us to express ourselves, communicate our thoughts, share our feelings and connect with others. What’s more, they can inspire us, motivate us, bring joy and happiness, or cause us pain and destroy us. 

Words also have transformative power. They can shift mindsets and have the power to convince and sway us to take action.

power words for sales pitch 2

Why Are Words So Powerful?

What Are Power Words?

Power words are persuasive sales words that elicit emotions. They’re called power words because they can make any offer so tempting that people can’t resist. 


By provoking an emotional reaction, power words help brands grab their audience’s attention and drive website visitors to take the desired action. 

It’s no wonder professional copywriters and seasoned marketers use them to create content that resonates with specific audiences.

power words for sales pitch 3

What Are Power Words?

What Are The Benefits Of Using Power Words For Sales Pitches?

Power words are critical to conveying your marketing or sales message effectively. 

Plus, choosing the right power words to craft catchy phrases and incorporating them into your sales pitches can significantly help boost your conversions and sales. 

That’s right. 

Sprinkling a few power words into your copy can turn a dull business proposal into a money-making sales pitch! 

Here’s how:

power words for sales pitch 4

What Are The Benefits Of Using Power Words For Sales Pitches?

Power Words Can Help You Build A Strong Relationship With Customers

Power words are critical to creating relationships. 

Using the right words in your sales pitch can help make your ideal customer feel good, build trust, and create a long-lasting bond with them. 

That’s why they're one of the most efficient tools in the marketers’ and sales reps' toolbox to connect with their audience.

Power Words Elicit Emotions And Curiosity

"Every decision is emotional." - Tom Snyder.

Human beings are emotional creatures. And as such, we tend to connect with emotions, not words. That’s why emotional marketing is so powerful. 

Emotional marketing seeks to persuade customers by using power words that elicit strong emotions such as joy or fear of missing out. And while a brand’s underlying message might be the same, the wrong words can generate negative emotions. This, in turn, can deter your leads from purchasing from you. So, make sure to carefully select your power words to bring out the right emotions in your target market.

Besides, power words can also be used as a hook to trigger curiosity and grab your target audience’s attention. And sometimes, all a sales pitch needs is for you to tweak a word or two to build a little intrigue, create interest and nudge customers off the fence.

How To Use Power Words For Sales Pitches

Let’s say you’re a life coach. You have a landing page where you offer a free eBook about how to turn your clients’ dreams into reality. 

Here are two options for your headline:

  •  ‘’Click here to download my eBook’’.
  •  ‘’Before you leave, don’t miss out on my free eBook to turn your dreams into reality’’.

Which one of these sales pitch examples do you think will convert the best? 

That’s right. The second headline is more compelling because it implies visitors might be missing out on a free tool to improve their lives if they don’t download your eBook now. 

Using power words can make the difference between web visitors quickly exiting your website or believing they absolutely need your products or services!

Power Words That Elicit Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion and motivator. It creates an uncomfortable feeling and entices us to take the necessary action to move away from that feeling. That’s why skilled sales reps, marketers and professional copywriters use fear to persuade prospective customers to take action.

However, when I talk about fear, I don’t mean frightening your potential customers and scaring them away forever.

Instead, the idea is to make your ideal customer fearful of what will happen if they don’t take the desired action.

Here is a list of power words for sales pitches that will trigger fear and make any potential customer act immediately:

  • Afraid  
  • Apocalypse
  • Catastrophe
  • Collapse
  • Danger
  • Don’t worry
  • Failure
  • Fooled
  • Gambling
  • Looming
  • Mistake
  • Jeopardy
  • Painful
  • Poor
  • Reckoning
  • Risk
  • Suffering
  • Trap
  • Victim
  • Vulnerable
  • Warning

Power Words Triggering Urgency

Ever heard of fear of missing out (FOMO)?

FOMO is a powerful tool in a marketer's arsenal.

69% of millennials experience FOMO, and a staggering 60% of consumers buy a product or service because of FOMO. 

As consumers, many of us tend to look for opportunities. And that’s why marketers and copywriters often use FOMO marketing techniques. Their goal is to convince their audience that they would be missing out if they wait to buy the product or service later. 

Some of the FOMO marketing techniques include:

  • Setting a time limit
  • Leveraging social proof
  • Quoting celebrities
  • Using discounts

FOMO marketing relies on the power of words to create a sense of urgency and trigger impulse buying.

Here are some examples:

  • Clearance 
  • Bargain
  • Expire
  • Fast
  • Final
  • Final sale
  • Hurry
  • Instant
  • Last time
  • Limited
  • Minutes
  • Never again
  • Now
  • Offer
  • Once in a lifetime
  • Running out
  • Seconds
  • Today

Power Words That Convey Scarcity

As human beings, we tend to value and desire items more when we believe they are scarce. 

That’s right. We all want what we can’t have. 

And when we’re able to access scarce items or services, we love how special it makes us feel.

That’s why creating limited-edition and exclusive branded products is such a powerful marketing strategy. After all, many branded products offer no more benefits than other products in the same niche. The only difference is the logo and price tag. Yet, luxury brands understand the power of words and use them to convey a sense of scarcity and offer exclusivity, driving their conversions and sales and increasing their ROI.

I’ve listed below some of the best sales buzzwords and expressions to express scarcity:

  • Ask for an invitation  
  • Back in stock    
  • Be one of the few
  • Become an insider
  • Be the first to hear about
  • Booked X times today
  • Class full
  • Limited
  • Login required
  • Members only
  • In high demand
  • Only available to subscribers/existing customers
  • Only X left in stock
  • Out of stock
  • While you still can
  • X people are looking right now
  • You missed it

Power Words To Build Trust

It’s no secret, trust is a key factor for consumers to buy from a brand these days. After all, with so many brands and online stores out there, it can be hard to know who to trust. That’s why consumers want to know who is behind your brand and get to know you before committing to purchasing from you. That’s also why testimonials and reviews are so important. 

In addition to providing social proof and being transparent and genuine, using the right words can help you instill trust and improve your conversion rate and sales.

So, here are a few power words for sales pitches you can use to convince consumers you’re trustworthy:

  • Authentic     
  • Approved
  • Backed
  • Best selling
  • Cancel anytime
  • Certified
  • Dependable
  • Expert
  • Endorsed
  • Fully refundable
  • Genuine
  • Guarantee
  • Lifetime
  • Money back
  • No risk
  • Professional
  • Protected
  • Proven
  • Safety
  • Secure
  • Studies show
  • Recognized
  • Reliable
  • Research
  • Results
  • Track record
  • Unconditional
  • Verify

Words That Spark Curiosity 

Ever watched your favourite TV show on Netflix and been left on a cliffhanger at the end of an episode? 

The answer is probably: many times! 

That’s because cliffhangers are one of the best ways to spark curiosity and entice viewers to click the “next episode” button.

And there is a reason TV show producers use them. Sparking curiosity is one of the best techniques to hook your customers, keep them engaged, and lead them to take action.

So, I’ve shared below some of the most powerful curiosity power words marketers and professional copywriters use to increase conversions and sales:

  • Backdoor
  • Confession
  • Confidential
  • Controversial
  • Confession
  • Eye-opening
  • Forbidden
  • Hidden
  • Insider
  • Myths
  • Private
  • Secret
  • Sneak peek
  • Unbelievable
  • Unusual

Don’t Miss Out On The Opportunity to Boost Your Sales Instantly

See what I did there? After reading this post, I hope you can now spot the power words I’ve used in this last headline and the emotions I’m looking to elicit.

Sure, a sales pitch should be descriptive and to the point. But you can instantly kick it up a notch and increase your odds of winning over new customers by using high-converting power words in your copy.

Not a wordsmith yourself? That’s absolutely fine. 

At CopywritingCrew, we’re committed to helping business owners like you harness the power of words and improve their conversion rates. And crafting compelling sales copy using power words is right up our alley! 

Our highly experienced team of writers specialises in high-quality copywriting services including blog writing services and sales page copy.  So, if you’re looking to grow your business, get in touch with Jesse, our founder, today and give CopywritingCrew a try. 

We guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 

Hire Top Copywriters

Hire Top Copywriters

Frequently Asked Questions About Power Words For Sales Pitches

Question: How To Create Engaging Sales Pitch Content?

Answer: As the saying goes, ‘’people don’t buy products, they buy stories’’. Why? Because stories elicit emotions and allow us to connect with brands and the people behind them. Therefore, to create an amazing sales pitch, you’ll need to evoke emotions. And the best way to do so is by using power words. 

So, whether you’re looking to instill trust, inspire happiness or create fear of missing out, make sure to use power words in your next sales pitch or sales presentation.

Question: How Can You Use Power Words For Sales?

Power words can be used to increase your sales by triggering emotions and provoking reactions. 

Here are some of the best emotions to target when writing a sales pitch:

  • Fear: some power words that elicit fear include afraid, danger, or mistake.
  • Urgency: use words such as clearance, bargain, or limited to create a sense of urgency.
  • Scarcity: limited or out of stock
  • Trust: approved, expert, or guaranteed
  • Curiosity: confidential, controversial, or secret


Further Reading

Want more tips on how to increase your sales with copywriting? 

Here are some free resources to help you:

- This 9-word email works like magic

- 9 website copywriting secrets to boost your traffic and sales 

- The ultimate guide to website copywriting for beginners in 

Frequently Asked Questions About Power Words For Sales Pitches

Question: How To Create Engaging Sales Pitch Content?

Answer: As the saying goes, ‘’people don’t buy products, they buy stories’’. Why? Because stories elicit emotions and allow us to connect with brands and the people behind them. Therefore, to create an amazing sales pitch, you’ll need to evoke emotions. And the best way to do so is by using power words. 

So, whether you’re looking to instill trust, inspire happiness or create fear of missing out, make sure to use power words in your next sales pitch or sales presentation.

Question: How Can You Use Power Words For Sales?

Power words can be used to increase your sales by triggering emotions and provoking reactions. 

Here are some of the best emotions to target when writing a sales pitch:

  • Fear: some power words that elicit fear include afraid, danger, or mistake.
  • Urgency: use words such as clearance, bargain, or limited to create a sense of urgency.
  • Scarcity: limited or out of stock
  • Trust: approved, expert, or guaranteed
  • Curiosity: confidential, controversial, or secret


Further Reading

Want more tips on how to increase your sales with copywriting? 

Here are some free resources to help you:

- This 9-word email works like magic

- 9 website copywriting secrets to boost your traffic and sales

- The ultimate guide to website copywriting for beginners

9 Website Copywriting Secrets To Boost Your Traffic and Sales in 2022

9 Website Copywriting Secrets To Boost Your Traffic and Sales in 2022

9 Website Copywriting Secrets To Boost Your Traffic and Sales in 2022

‘’Ultimately, users visit your website for its content. Everything else is just the backdrop’’. Jakob Nielsen.

Website copy is a powerful sales tool. In fact, as Jakob Nielsen suggested, it is the most important asset of your website. And marketers across the board tend to agree as 70% of them cite relevant content as the most effective way to drive website traffic.

So, write the words that resonate with your audience, and your website traffic will quickly increase.

Or is it that easy?

Writing compelling website copy can be challenging. That’s why many companies use white label copywriting services. And if you’re a digital agency considering adding website copywriting services to your offer, hiring experts to ghostwrite for you can prove lucrative.

Want to know their secrets to producing highly converting website copy?

This blog post will share nine secrets to writing powerful copy for your website (or your clients') and getting more clicks and sales.  

Website Visitors Don’t Read Your Content

You’ve spent time and effort crafting amazing written content for your website or your clients’ website. 

You’ve very proud of the final results and thought customers would come rolling in as soon as you hit the publish button. 

Yet, days, weeks, or months later, you’re still waiting.

That’s probably because you forgot one of the most important rules when crafting your website copy. People have a very short attention span, and therefore, they don’t read your content. They skim it looking for the exact piece of information they’re after. All those sophisticated words and long-winded paragraphs you spent time writing will only deter them from staying engaged with your website.

Research has shown over time that, as human beings, we have an 8-second attention span, and we only read 20% of website content.

So, when writing your website copy, it’s essential to get down to business. Therefore, make sure to provide web visitors with relevant, meaningful, and concise information. 

Alternatively, using professional website copywriting services can help boost your results much quicker.

Website Visitors Don’t Read Your Content

Website Visitors Don’t Read Your Content

Your Website Content Can Set You Apart 

What if we told you that content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing and generates three times as many leads?

The reason behind this staggering stat is that people don’t like being sold to. They don’t like pushy ads or promotional material. Instead, they want to know a brand and the stories and people behind it. They want to be entertained, educated, or dazzled before making a purchasing decision. And they’ll most likely check claims businesses are making, research brands, and compare products and services before committing. 

So, to win over new customers, you’ll need to develop a winning content marketing strategy and combine it with compelling website copy to entice them to choose your offer. 

And when crafting your website copy, keep in mind that it should never sound “salesly.” It should follow some essential copywriting rules, and you should always write with your target audience in mind. 

Not sure how to achieve this?

Read on as I’m sharing nine secrets to effective website copywriting in 2022 for increased leads and sales for you or your clients.

Your Website Content Can Set You Apart

Your Website Content Can Set You Apart

Website Copywriting Secret #1: Leverage Social Proof On Your Website

In 2022, consumers want social proof. 

To be successful, you have to give it to them. 

Social proof helps establish your credibility as an expert in your field and persuades them to trust you.

So, whether you use customer testimonials, positive reviews, business credentials, your degree, celebrity, or expert endorsements, providing proof to your audience on your website is a critical element of an effective marketing strategy.

For instance, one of my clients is a video marketing agency. They specialise in high-quality commercial videos in the real estate space. They’ve been working in the industry for 20 years and use cutting-edge equipment, including drones, to provide their customers with crisp and striking videos. The quality of their service is such that they have over 150 positive reviews on their Facebook page. 

Yet, when they commissioned my website copywriting services to help drive traffic to their website, I noticed none of this information was mentioned. 

Easy fix!

  • Write a short testimonial section and embed the Facebook reviews on their website.

  • Include the number of years they’ve been operating in the sector in the ‘’about us’’ section and on the homepage. 

  • Craft a compelling paragraph about one of their projects involving drone footage combining text and great imagery.

Website Copywriting Secret #2: Adapt Your Website Copy To Your Audiences' Level of Sophistication 

Market sophistication refers to your audience's level of exposure to similar products and services so far. 

In other words, it refers to how mature your target market is.

The more mature (or sophisticated) your audience is, the more skeptical they’ll become of your claims. Therefore, you’ll need to focus on providing them with compelling reasons to trust you and choose your product or services over the competition. 

Understanding your audience’s sophistication level will allow you to create a message that resonates with them and immediately jump-start your sales. 

Yet, this is no easy feat, and using white label website copywriting services is often the best way to nail the process.

Adapt Your Website Copy To Your Audiences' Level of Sophistication

Adapt Your Website Copy To Your Audiences' Level of Sophistication

Website Copywriting Secret #3: Create Eye-Grabbing & Easy to Skim Read Copy 

Remember how we told you the average attention span is 8 seconds in 2022?

Well, guess what? That’s one second less than a goldfish!

It means that you have 8 seconds to hook your visitors and convince them to stay on your website for longer.

Sure, it’s not a lot, but it’s doable if you know how to create eye-catching and easy-to-scan content for your website.

Here are some best practices to write skimmable and attention-worthy website copy:

  • Use clickable power words in your headlines to encourage visitors to take action.

  • Use subheadings to organize your ideas logically.

  • Incorporate visually appealing imagery or striking videos to break up the text.

  • Write concise paragraphs and make sure your copy immediately gets to the point.

  • Use bullet points or lists to make content easier to scan and digest and quickly convey benefits.

Website Copywriting Secret #4: Write Your Website Copy in Your Brand’s Tone of Voice 

The website copywriting process also includes carefully choosing your words to match your brand personality and tone of voice and resonate with your target audience. 

For instance, if your brand is playful and casual and targets millennials, it needs to reflect on your website copywriting. 

On the other hand, your website copywriting shouldn't sound casual or unprofessional if your brand is more formal and academic.

Keeping your tone of voice consistent across your marketing channels allows your audience to recognise your brand immediately and better connect with you.

Write Your Website Copy in Your Brand’s Tone of Voice

Write Your Website Copy in Your Brand’s Tone of Voice

Website Copywriting Secret #5: Use Active Voice in Your Writing 

Writing in an active voice makes your copy more engaging, shorter, and easier to digest. Passive voice sentences can sometimes feel unnecessarily wordy and make it harder for the reader to understand your content.

Let’s take an example and compare two sentences with the same meaning using active voice and passive voice:

  • Marie ate the three cakes, all the cookies, and the ice cream. Here, the subject is Marie, and she was actively eating treats (lucky her!). This sentence is written in the active voice and is clear and easy to understand.

  • The three cakes, all the cookies, and the ice cream were eaten by Marie. Here, the treats are the subject of the sentence, making it a passive version of the first example. The use of passive voice makes this sentence harder to read and understand.  

Not sure how to write in the active voice in a compelling way to drive your sales?

When it comes to crafting compelling copy, nothing can beat professional white label website copywriting services.

Website Copywriting Secret #6: Use a Call To Action Strategically On Your Website

Imagine your favourite ice cream shop running a tasting session for their new limited edition range. The goal is obviously to attract new customers and encourage existing ones to discover new flavours and buy them. 

Now, do you think the shop would let hundreds of potential customers taste their ten new flavours and go away without asking for their details? 

Probably not! 

I mean, what would be the point?

Well, that’s exactly what you’d be doing if you weren’t adding any calls-to-action to your website. Yet, many businesses make this mistake and don’t direct their web users anywhere after they’ve browsed their website or blogs.

So, include compelling calls to action with strong action words to encourage web visitors to take action. You should also place them strategically on your website.

Use a Call To Action Strategically On Your Website

Use a Call To Action Strategically On Your Website


Website Copywriting Secret #7: Leverage the Power of Keywords

As a business owner, you’re probably familiar with the concept of keywords. 

You might even have been writing your website copy or blog posts with keywords you thought were relevant, placing them everywhere you could. 

The thing is, even though it might sound like a good strategy, it’s not.

First of all, Google tends to penalise websites that use keyword stuffing. That’s because this kind of method is not reader-friendly and only aims at beating the algorithm. As a result, your keywords should be mindfully incorporated into your web copy and sound natural.

Secondly, selecting the right keywords can be one of the most challenging parts of the website copywriting process. It takes time, talent and requires a methodical approach. 

That’s when using white label website copywriting services could prove helpful as professional copywriters are well-versed with SEO.

Website Copywriting Secret #8: Proofread Your Website Copy

After hours or days working on a project, it’s often easy to start missing our own mistakes.

That’s why hiring a professional to proofread your website copy and correct any typos, syntax, or grammatical errors is always a good idea. It will allow you to provide your visitors with a seamless experience when navigating your website. And it’s also critical as it will help establish your credibility. 

Prospective customers might have difficulty trusting your offer if they can spot grammatical or spelling mistakes in your copy.

Proofread Your Website Copy

Proofread Your Website Copy

Website Copywriting Secret #9: Hire a Professional Website Copywriter

You might think that hiring a professional website copywriter is too costly. 

After all, you’d rather save the money and craft the website copy yourself.

But is it really the best solution for your business or your clients? 

Consistently writing high-converting copy that resonates with a specific audience and ensuring all the best practices mentioned above are implemented without sounding stilted requires a particular skillset and extensive experience. Unless you’ve spent years learning how to write highly converting copy, chances are using professional white label website copywriting services will be more effective.

Besides, professional copywriters know how to optimise their copywriting for SEO and drive organic (free) traffic to their clients’ websites. And believe me, the ROI you’ll get from ranking on the first pages of search engines will be well worth the investment.

If you’re wondering how much does copywriting cost in 2022, the answer is simple: not as much as a badly written and poorly optimised website copy!

How to Find Experienced and Trustworthy Professional Website Copywriters?

Google “website copywriters,” and you’ll find tons of websites claiming that they can get you ranked on the first page of Google in no time, bringing you success overnight. However, finding the right website copywriting services for you requires due diligence on your end.

Remember how we talked about social proof? The professional you hire should have credentials and be able to provide evidence their work is high-quality. They should also be able to show you their copywriting portfolio so you can better assess their style.

At CopywritingCrew, we only work with the top 5% of copywriters to ensure high-quality website copy. We also offer white label website copywriting services so that you can sell the copy to your customers for a profit. 

Our clients appreciate the quality of our work and our fast turnaround (between three and five days). And we’ve got real customer testimonials to prove it!

So, if you need help to increase your traffic and drive your sales or want us to ghostwrite for your clients, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Jesse, our founder. You can also place an order directly on our copywriting services page.
website copywriting services 4

website copywriting services 4

Frequently Asked Questions About White Label Website Copywriting

Question: What is Copywriting? And How Is Copywriting Different From Content Marketing?

Copywriting involves writing the words that inspire and persuade people to take action immediately, both online and offline. It’s a tool businesses leverage to increase their leads or drive their sales instantly. 

On the other hand, content marketing is about creating educational pieces and providing added value to an audience. This allows businesses to:

  • Increase their brand awareness

  • Build trust with their potential customers

  • Develop a strong community

  • Convince their audience to purchase from them over time.


Question: How to Write Professional Content (That's Also Optimised for SEO)?

The answer is that there’s no magical formula to writing professional content that’s also optimised for SEO. 

Sure, there are tons of resources you can use to improve your content and increase your chances of ranking on search engines. 

At Copywriting Crew, we have an entire blog section dedicated to helping you enhance your copywriting skills. Yet, copywriting is an art. It requires specific skills, in-depth knowledge of the best marketing techniques and ever-changing rules, and, of course, a creative flair. 

That’s why the best way to write optimised and professional website copy that converts is to use white label website copywriting services.

Question: How can I write copywriting for my website?

There are different avenues you can explore to create compelling copy for your website. You could spend time and money learning online or hire professionals to help you. And if you’re looking for someone to write for you anonymously, you should opt for a copywriting agency offering white label website copywriting services.

Question: How can I improve my website copywriting?

While you could enroll in an expensive digital marketing online course to develop your website copywriting skills, the reality is that website copywriting requires experience and a specific skill set. 

In the same way, Rome wasn’t built in a day, learning how  to sell a product or idea effectively  can take time, resources, energy, and money. 

So, the best way to improve your website copywriting is to use white label website copywriting services from experienced copywriters. A professional website copywriter will know exactly how to harness the power of words to drive traffic to your website and generate sales.

Further Reading 

If you need more resources on how to write highly converting copy for your website, check out the 9 website copywriting best practices for beginners and the complete guide to website copywriting

We also highly recommend the book Practical Content Strategy & Marketing by Julia McCoy to learn effective website copywriting tips and strategies for quality web content.

Our experienced copywriters have also put together some guides and blog posts to help you get started with website copywriting. 

Some of the most popular ones include:

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